Leibowitz, David

Leibowitz, David

Son of Chana and Rafael, was born in March 1911 in the town of Bazarani, Lithuania. He studied in an elementary school of “Tarbut” and later learned from his father the profession of seamanship and worked there. From the age of 13 he was a member of Maccabi and was involved in gymnastics, soccer and chess. He received his military training in the Lithuanian army. From the age of 20 he was an active member of Hechalutz. David immigrated to Israel in 1934 and joined Kibbutz Givat Brenner. When he could not adjust to kibbutz life, he left and was a salaried worker in Rehovot. Worked in construction, on roads and more, and there joined the Haganah. During the bloody riots of 1936-1939 he was active in guarding and training, for a time as a guard, and excelled in a battle with a gang in the orchards near Kobeiba. From 1941-1945 he served again as a guard in Wilhelm, Gan Yavne and Tel Nof. In the meantime, he married a wife and his eldest son was born. After World War he returned to construction work and learned to climb. During the War of Independence he enlisted for combat duty in the Givati ​​Brigade. He fell in a road accident between Rehovot and Tel Aviv on the 20th of Sivan 5708 (June 20, 1948) and was put to rest in the cemetery in Rehovot. A few months after his death, his second son, named after him, was born.

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