Lazar, Liad

Lazar, Liad

Ben Tamar and Gabriel. Born in Haifa on the 11th of Shvat 5736 (11.1.1976), he was the eldest son of his parents, he attended the Tel Hai elementary school and the Ironi G. High School when he was ten years old, his brother Maayan was born. He left him alone for a moment, and the good relationship between them continued and strengthened over the years, and Maayan was always involved with his brother, who grew up and became proud of his family. , He was passionate and lively, active and sympathetic, and stood out in his sense of humor: Liad loved to live, loved to laugh and enjoy his many friends. Mel eternal name means “my forever, and I really thought it might be, so really everyone thought that anyone calling your name really mean eternal friendship, genuine friendship! And so, Liad, you were. This is how I will remember you all my life, as a good friend, so loyal and dedicated, and you always stood by me when he needed to. “After graduating from high school, he continued to pursue two years of further studies in the electrical engineering program at the” He joined the IDF in May 1996. Liad served in the IAF Technological College as a teacher and instructor in the electrical professions, and immediately at the beginning of his service he compiled a list of qualities that would help or interfere with his guidance. He also knew what qualities he would have to the detriment of being too honest and sometimes too forgiving (28.3.1998) On the day of his return, Liad was killed in a road accident that took place at the Elyakim junction and he is twenty-two years old. Survived by his parents and brother. Liad was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. After his death he was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and the commander of the college where he taught, Lt. Col. Menahem, eulogized him: “Your close friends do not believe that you are not with us. Despite your difficulties and limitations, you continued to invest your life in a devoted and warm treatment of children, like father and mother. ” His aunt Orit writes to Le’ad: “… you are for me a noble soul, gentle, beautiful, thoughtful and loving, caring and devoted … You always treated me as a nurse, always asking for my safety and patiently answering all my questions about you …” After Liad’s death, And the college teachers in the booklet their words in his memory. The teacher Billy Miller said about him: “Throughout the way, you nurtured the students of the course in your friendly and caressing way, and marched them toward achievements that even they did not believe they were capable of, The term “teacher of life” is summed up. Yevgeny wrote: “You were a guide who always helped and helped to move forward, to succeed, you were a very smart person and especially excelled in the knowledge of electricity, I always loved your lessons, because your lessons were fun, clear and happy.”

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