Kuperman, Zvi (Pinchas)

Kuperman, Zvi (Pinchas)

Son of Sheindel and Moshe, was born on 15.5.1915 in the city of Jakob, Poland, to a large family of children. Unfortunately, the father was disabled in the First World War and Zvi was forced to go to work at an early age. During the Second World War he fought the Germans in the ranks of the Polish army, then in the Russian army, where he excelled and reached the rank of platoon commander. In 1942 he moved to the new Polish army, which was organized on Soviet soil and with this army arrived in Israel via Teheran. He deserted from the Polish army, and after a period of time in Givat Hashlosha he enlisted in the Nutras and was released a year later. He joined the Haganah. Zvi began working and then had two accidents: On the first day of his work at the bakery, the fire caught his clothes, he was burned and barely recovered from his wounds. Some time after he left the hospital, he was run over by a car and was disabled. Only by special treatment was arranged in the work of polishing diamonds. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, a member of the Haganah joined the ranks, although the doctors objected to this and served in the Jerusalem Brigade. Not long after his enlistment, he fell in battle at the Castel on Saturday, April 5, 1948. He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 26th of Elul 5711 (26.9.1951) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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