Kubani, Aryeh Alon

Kubani, Aryeh Alon

Son of Bracha and Yosef. Born on the 11th of Kislev, December 7, 1981 in Petach Tikva. On February 15, 2000, Alon joined the communications corps in Ramle. Alon served in the Home Front Command, completed an officer’s course and was an outstanding officer in his field. Alon contributed greatly to the success of the projects in his department. During the period of his service in the army, Alon was active in opening a new synagogue in Ramle, bringing a Torah scroll and learning Talmud there. After battling cancer, Captain Aryeh Alon Kubani died in the course of his duties on the 22nd of Iyar, May 26, 2011. He was twenty-nine years old. He was brought to eternal rest in the Segula cemetery in Petah Tikva. He was survived by a mother, two brothers and two sisters. Alon was buried next to his father.

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