Kramersky, Yaakov

Kramersky, Yaakov

Yaakov (Yank, Jack), son of Batya and Feivel, was born on June 19, 1950, in Kibbutz Mesilot, where he studied at the elementary school in the kibbutz and later continued his studies at the Gilboa educational institution in Beit Alpha. He was a member of the Hashomer Hatzair movement and later became a counselor in a nest in Beit Shean, and his followers loved him very much for being kind, always listening to others, trying to help him, and being interested in him. He had a smile that was reserved for all, in all circumstances, a shy smile that was accompanied by an expression of roue And gentleness. He was always stubborn, but he knew when to give in and compromise. “All his life he was devoted to his parents and helped them as much as he could, took care of their welfare and gave them great respect. Yaakov was drafted into the IDF in early November 1968 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps. After basic training, he completed a Patton tank course and a course for Patton tank commanders. Having excelled in fulfilling his role in the unit, his commanders sent him to the officers’ course and after completing his studies, he took part in a course for armored corps officers. His commanders testified that he was “a good, efficient, responsible, intelligent officer, an entrepreneur and an admirer of his subordinates, who excelled in his loyalty, his decency and the personal example that served all his friends.” For his participation in operational activities he was awarded the “Operational Service Award”. At the end of his regular service, he served for several months in the career army. After the liberation he returned to the kibbutz. He loved animals and wanted to learn veterinary medicine. After returning to the farm he continued to work in the cowshed. His co-workers tell him that he was “an exemplary, very neat and clean team man.” A few months before the Yom Kippur War broke out, he was appointed security officer for El Al. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Yaakov was drafted and sent to Sinai, where he participated in the battle against the Egyptians. On the 13th of Tishrei 5734 (9.10.1973) Yaakov fell in a battle in the central sector, west of Lake Tamash, southeast of Ismailia. Because of the many dunes, the battalion’s attack on the Mechasset compound failed. In this attack, Yaakov’s tank was damaged and he was replaced by another. At midday, in a second attack on the compound from the south, during the takeover of its center, a missile hit a tank and Yaakov was killed on the spot. At first he was considered missing and his burial place was unknown. His body was later identified and he was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Mesilat. Survived by his parents and two sisters. His parents published a pamphlet in his memory that included things about his character, memoirs, letters and photographs.

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