Kozma, Jacob-Fabian

Kozma, Jacob-Fabian

Son of Lilia and Victor. Was born on January 3, 1977, in the city of San Juan, Argentina, a young brother to Diana, who was four years old when he was born. When he was, as he was fondly called by his three-year-old family, he began his studies in the Jewish kindergarten. He attended the first classes in the general public elementary school in the morning and in the afternoons completed his studies at the Jewish school. Fabian was a clever, mischievous boy. He maintained his independence and knew how to manage on his own. One day, when he returned from school with coins, he was asked where the money came from. Fabian replied very seriously that he was selling his friends “bites” from the sandwiches his mother prepared for him. In February 1985 the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Bat Yam. At first Fabian suffered from difficulties of absorption. The foreign company, the different culture and its longing for his friends in Argentina, made it difficult for him to integrate and caused him to close himself. His mother says she learned about her son’s difficulties when they sat together to write a letter to his friends in Argentina. Then, out of his longing, Fabian allowed himself to reveal his distress and weep in her face. Despite the hardships, with the help of teachers and friends, Fabian gradually found his place and settled in society. But even when he was already part of the society around him, he was careful to keep his own small and private part, which was his most personal world. Fabian was quickly attached to animals and gave them boundless warmth and love. In Bat Yam, Fabian studied at Jubilee Elementary School and later at the ORT Milton High School. He had a special love for cars. He visited exhibitions dealing with the subject and interested in every new vehicle that was released. Fabian also fiddled with electricity and electronics. He connected the entire house to the speakers, handled old stereo systems and made them usable. Since 1989, Fabian has played in Hapoel Holon’s basketball team until about a year before joining the IDF, and Fabian was a serious player and investor, and his days were full and busy: In 1991, as we did in the ninth grade, a high-ranking player named Fabian appeared, with a thin, slender body structure, which attracted our attention in his appearance and in his South American accent On the few occasions we talked, I came upon a pleasant, courteous, shy and especially kind guy Group were definitive and never came any claim or demand. ” His teammates tell Fabian about their memories and experiences: a tall boy whose stubbornness was inversely proportional to his lean body structure, his father would come to practice and follow the boy’s game modestly and politely. He did everything he did, Fabian quietly and steadily. For example, he worked on vacations, saved money, and one day surprised his parents when he appeared with a driver’s license. Prior to the induction, Fabian began fitness training. He ran, lifted weights and practiced on the beach. In August 1995, he enlisted in the IDF, filled with motivation and a desire to contribute, and after completing his basic training, he completed a course in Training Base 7 and successfully completed a training course in Hiram, and told his family about the nature of his service and his entrances to Lebanon because he did not want to be seen, But his friends in the military service talk about his love of life, his professionalism and his seriousness, the tasks he met with respect and courage, his being a friend who cared and helped, Fabian always found the way to reach an understanding with the environment and those who disagreed with his opinions respected and respected him. Fabian’s unit: “Fabian performed his role as an operator in the communications company in the brigade in an exemplary manner,Both professionally and socially. He was a dedicated soldier with courage. His missions were always carried out quietly and with good spirit, with initiative and caring. “Fabian fell in combat in Lebanon on 7 October 1997 when he entered with a rescue force in order to rescue the wounded and was himself injured by shell fire and he was twenty and a half years old . Staff Sergeant Yoeli Amir, who fell to the rank of Staff Sergeant after his fall. He was buried in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister. “Born, raised, enlisted, and there everything ends,” wrote Diana Fabian’s sister: “They are born, raised, enlisted and married, bring children to the world and grow them, But I was not afraid of the army, like the road killer, / I worried so much / I pushed the army to the sides / I called you every time I ran out / Every exit on Friday Until one day they knocked on the door, announced something terrible that had happened, and soon I went out to look for you, but this time I did not find it. I always felt that I could extract everything from you, but this time I’m trying hard, thinking, looking for something to do, I’m very sorry, this time I can not help. ” “When I asked, he would always say,” Everything is all right, Mom, “and I knew that my child was keeping everything inside. We were surprised to discover that you knew very well how to keep secrets / the license you issued without our help / and the officer’s exams that you experienced without our knowledge. Ortal, his cousin, writes: “… this year passed without you / a year without seeing you / a year without laughing with you / a year without your amazing height and shining eyes. .. “

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