Kochba (Stern) and Hanan

Kochba (Stern) and Hanan

Was born on June 23, 1928, in the city of Bochum, Germany, where his parents fled to the Netherlands for fear of the Nazis, and it served as a boost for them to immigrate to Eretz Israel. When he was 12 years old, when his father died, his mother was forced to leave the farm and move with her three children to Jerusalem, and Hanan barely adapted to the life of the city. But when he finished elementary school he was forced to earn a living and was accepted to work in the Ai system. He worked in the day and studied at night, preparing for his matriculation exams, and in 1945 he passed the exams successfully, but decided to tie his future with his friends to the Gordonia movement and set out to realize it in Neveh Yam. A year later, he moved to the “United Movement” group in Degania and from there was sent to the Tel Aviv branch of the Tel Aviv Naval Branch, where he learned extensively about geography and topography. 1947 to his team in Degania, was sent to Afikim to complete what he missed in training, and in early April Joined his training division “open” served the company in Tel Hai. He took part in escorting convoys for a few days and later was Simcha to embark on the major operation in Nebi Yusha. The second attack on the Nebi Yusha police force took place on the night of 19-20 April 1948. The saboteurs broke through the fences, approached the building and began to place the explosives. In the process, grenades were thrown at them, causing casualties. The evacuation of the casualties delayed the explosion, and in the meantime, additional fighters were injured, including the terrorists and the bomb was not activated. At dawn, orders were given to withdraw. The withdrawal was carried out with the combat of considerable enemy forces summoned to the scene and there were many casualties. During the battle, on the 11th of Nissan 5708 (April 20, 1948), he was seriously wounded and remained on the battlefield with the other wounded. Then Hanan asked his friend to take his rifle and leave him a grenade. After the capture of the Nebi Yusha Fortress, his body was found. On the 11th of Iyar 5708 (May 20, 1948) he was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Nebi Yusha.

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