Knafo Nachmani, Adam

Knafo Nachmani, Adam

Ben Margalit and Yitzhak. Adam was born on January 26, 1983 in Jerusalem, a brother to the spring. “Three days before Tu Bishvat, the festival of trees, Adam was born,” his mother wrote. A wonderful son was born and brought with him a sense of elation and great excitement. Jerusalem snow fell outside and Jerusalem wrapped itself in a bride’s honor in his honor. “A calm and calm baby was a man, his mother Margalit said, lying in his crib and looking at the mobile phone of the butterflies above him and so busy with him. I asked myself more than once what he was thinking about. “At the age of eight months, while he was crawling, he had a wooden puzzle that was lying on the carpet in” Titat Halav, “which surprised the sister and the mother. When he was ten months old, it turned out that he had a lazy eye, which required treatment with glasses and a compress, and despite the difficulty, the baby cooperated fully with the treatment, and after only a year there was no need for a patch. With glasses, but this uniqueness did not prevent him from being a leader among the children in the kindergarten, and also a neurological illness that he suffered from at the age of two and a half until he recovered When she was five years old, who required hospitalization from time to time, he did not stop him from being the leader in the kindergarten, and his extraordinary ability was discovered once again when he was about four years old and he was chosen with another girl from the kindergarten in Beit Hakerem for a test of twenty kindergarten teachers. In the years that followed, he continued to excel and participated in circles that develop thinking, including a chess club and a circle of halachic students at the Hebrew University. From elementary school, Adam went on to the junior high and high school at Beit Hakerem in Jerusalem, which he successfully completed in the sixteenth grade, and excelled in his real studies – five units in mathematics, chemistry and physics – and was always a leader in the class, He has participated in a basketball team for Hapoel Jerusalem, and has been interested in a variety of topics, especially in chemistry and philosophy, and he has read extensively in these fields. A person arranged a meeting between him and a rabbi with him He spoke to him for a long time, and in the years to come, he made sure to meet with the rabbi from time to time for long and deep discussions on subjects that preoccupied him, such as the meaning of man, God and the world. He defended his sister at all times and kept in contact with the older family members, and from an early age he used to go to work on any vacation to pay for his expenses, not to burden his parents, and even contributed money to the needy. He organized the members for various activities, initiated joint meals and maintained daily contact with everyone. At the end of the eleventh grade, for example, he organized a trip to the Ibiza of all the friends: “His extraordinary personality is composed of different extremes: activity and leadership, on the other hand shyness, humility and grace. “For years, Adam came to the house of his good friend who had difficulty getting up early and helped him get up, get to school and study well,” added Margalit. “Beyond being a very smart person He was a man who was exceptionally kind, a man of justice and honesty and of high moral virtue. To this day Adami serves as a value barAnd I measure my actions and thoughts about his ruler. “As an example, Margalit described a man’s and friends’ ball game, during which the car cracked a car mirror, but the man immediately left an apology note on the car window with a phone number. Everyone knew Adam as someone who always helps everyone with an attentive ear and with every need, as having a unique wisdom that made him mature beyond his chronological age. “His father wrote:” He always saw the small details that no one in the community would recognize. Who craves love. The breadth of his heart came out to animals as human beings, and his ability to see the need of every living soul is what made our man. Adam knew how to contain the different and the weak and did for them without expecting any change. Despite his impressive stature and stout appearance, his gentle soul went out to everyone who asked for his help. “On March 24, 2002, Adam enlisted in the IDF. Before that, he tried to apply for reserve studies at the Technion, but although his data suited his request too late, there were not many subjects left and he was advised to study after his military service. Adam enlisted and arrived in the Armored Corps, the 52nd Battalion, where he passed a track of five riflemen. He stood out as a disciplined and leading soldier who often helped in many ways to many of his comrades in the company. Adam became acclimatized in the unit and quickly gained many friends, partly thanks to his humorous and humorous sense of humor – a new feature he discovered during his military service. Adam fell during his service on 27.10.2002. He is nineteen years old when he falls. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem. Survived by parents and sister. On Adam’s gravestone, his lovers wrote: “A pure, enlightened man, a man of glory, a man with a smile of angels.” “The terrible news of all knocked on the door on a very bitter day in Heshvan and we lost the most precious thing,” wrote Margalit, Adam’s mother. “The earth has opened its mouth and since the hard crash, which requires living despite the absence of the greatest, most loved, I felt that the world had lost a precious asset, not just his family, such a special man, such a good man, of such stature, is very difficult to find, a disaster that shakes the entire world of values ​​and the belief that good must prevail. We are on the earth small, small, the love of my life, you accompany me and support me from where I am. I feel you and love you as you can never describe in words … I love you forever and finally meet you know … “Margalit Nahmani, Adam’s mother, changed her surname to Ilan. This is how she writes: “My new family name was chosen to unite you with me in the name, and why Ilan? ‘Because man is the tree of the field,’ Adam = tree = tree. ‘ Itzik, Adam’s father, wrote: “A man is a child of a father and mother, a handsome young man who cared for his parents’ welfare and was ready to be with them at all times. “No one has left a void, but a way of life in which all those who cherish his memory can be proud and learn from it in their own way and in their contribution to society.” Itai Yavin, who was a teacher of Adam for four years, dedicated his poem “A Man in His Life” written by Yehuda Amichai: “A man in his life has no time to have time for everything. The soul of the figs will die in the fall / shriveled and full of itself and sweet / the leaves dry up on the steamOn the tenth anniversary of the fall of Adam, his mother Margalit wrote the song “My Torn Shirt”: There are sand clothes and there are Sabbath clothes / there are children’s clothes and clothes of girls dancing / there are adult clothes and old clothes / there are And I have my torn shirt / my shirt torn with a sharp razor / and no more sand clothes and no more Shabbat clothes / one shirt for me since … How symbolic is the ritual of tearing / and how many symbolizes the state of the soul / which was torn and bleeding / “A man is commemorated at the Yad LaShiryon Center in Latrun and at Yad Lebanim in his Jerusalem city.

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