Keren (Kreitner), Eliezer (“Lazy”)

Keren (Kreitner), Eliezer (“Lazy”)

Son of-Zion and Elka. He was born in 1930 in Tarnogrod, Poland, when he was three years old and had a severe meningitis but was miraculously saved from it when he was nine years old when the Second World War broke out and during the war he lost his parents and wandered through Russia to Siberia. Moved to Persia and eventually arrived in Israel with a thousand children of Teheran and he is only 12. Yatom and Loner Eliezer began to build his life in Israel and was absorbed in the Kfar Hasidim religious youth village and after graduating there he tried to find a home for him in Ein Hanatziv and then in Kfar Darom. In mid-June 1948, even though he had not yet recovered from a serious wound to his leg. After the War of Independence, Eliezer continued to serve in the permanent army, and in 1953 he was awarded the rank of officer. In the course of his military service as a soldier and as an officer, Eliezer passed through a long and verbous path, and throughout his career he always won the esteem of his superiors. It had all the good qualities of a commander, an educator, and a staff member. He was responsible and honest, loyal to his commanders, his subordinates, and the task entrusted to him. Eliezer loved to go on trips around the country and in his spare time reading books. He especially loved the Bible and the stories of the Bible, but the way of Eliezer’s ascension suddenly stopped because of a malignant disease that gripped him, and for a year and a half he carried the disease and despite his struggle he could not overcome it. ), Lt. Colonel Eliezer died in suffering and with great sadness, he was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery, where he laid down a wife and three daughters, and after his death the commander wrote to the widow: “It is hard for me to express what we all experienced here in the unit. It is hard for me to even try to describe to you how much we valued him and loved him for all the good and the honest. “

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