Kasoker, Shamgar

Kasoker, Shamgar

Ben Flora and Abraham. Shamgar was born in Izmir, India, on the 5th of Adar 5705 (5.3.1955). He immigrated to Israel in 1970 and studied at the Nitzanim boarding school near Ashkelon. Shamgar joined the Border Police on November 6, 1974. In 1989 he began serving in Ramat Hasharon, Ashdod Port, Kiryat Gat, Beit Jovrin and Yad Mordechai. His last job, from 1995, was at the Yeruham-Dimona police station in the Negev. Shamgar, who was accompanied by his relatives, lived in Dimona. He loved his family, especially his son Sapir, who was the center of his life. Shamgar planned the house he did not live in, his son’s bar mitzvah, and a big trip to the US he did not have time to do with Sapir. Shamgar passed away at Soroka Medical Center on November 4, 1999. He fell during his service at the age of forty-four and was buried in the military cemetery in Dimona, leaving behind a wife and son Sono Sapir wrote to him: “To my dearest father of all …! You left me with my mother only with memories and pain, but we know that you love us. Daddy, I remember you spoiled me and my mother endlessly and as much as possible. I remember that all the time we would walk around the world and we would love to play, watch television, take a picture, shower together, eat, and most importantly enjoy. Father, anything I ever asked, you did not have a ‘no’ but – ‘Sapir, take whatever you want.’ Father, I can not describe all that we have experienced, we only have thoughts and memories left. I love you forever – your son, Sapir Kesoker. “The commander of the police station in Dimona wrote to Shimgar in his name and on behalf of the police and station officers:” When I try to talk to you and talk about you, the words stop in my throat, Suddenly, without any prior warning, you are gathered to the heights, and only for some reason are we forced to part with you. You were a man of many verbs, an exemplary husband and father. We remind you that the Border Police expressed your desire to join our ranks, and at the height of your pride and kindness you wanted with all your might to attack crime on the one hand and to help the community on the other hand. It is no secret that upon your arrival you sealed your mark and we loved you. The eternal smile on your lips will be sorely missed. We will remember you as you are – hearty and helpful. Dear wife, beloved son, the Kasoker family, dear friends, we all bow our heads to the loss of your loved ones and loved ones, and we are confident that we will do everything we can and beyond, to stand tall and to help us at any time. I am excited and it is hard for me to believe that I am of your own, and in every language of request, I appeal to you, who in Heaven will ask for mercy and health for your wife, your son and all of your family and all of us. We are all in this position asking you forgiveness, forgiveness, if in one way or another we have harmed you, or we have not done what you wanted us to do.

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