Karol, Dov

Karol, Dov

Son of Chaya and Eliezer, who was one of the first members of Hashomer, was born on December 19, 1914, in Moshav Tel Adashim. As a child, he moved to Kfar Giladi with his parents, who were among the first residents of the village. From early childhood he had been self-confident and youthful, rooted in the ground and leaning toward the mechanics. In 1929 he traveled in a wagon full of hay from the sick and met with immigrants from Lebanon who begged to save them. All around, there was no hiding place, and the “Bear of the Child” (as it was called) turned the wagon over and covered the Ma’apilim with hay. The Arab guards that Chardpom turned to Jahula. “I arranged them” – smiled, and went back to pick up the hay. He was accepted to the Mikveh Israel agricultural school and studied mechanical farming there. Dov excelled in social maturity and seriousness, and made do with little. He spent his free time in the chemical lab and the ground-testing room. When he returned to Kfar Giladi he worked in various industries. He dealt with “Haganah” affairs, planning and training. Was one of those responsible for the weapons cache. Dov worked in national courses for armored personnel carriers, assisted by heavy equipment and auxiliary weapons, and filled positions in the new Gush and settlements, after which he was the head of the garage in the kibbutz and worked to expand it. In 1943, he traveled to Tehran with the shipment of ambulances that were donated to the aid of the army. With the end of the second world war, he was sent to America to learn about diesel engines, and Dov was accepted to a special mechanics course at Columbia University and studied mechanics and agriculture in large factories, and he went to Malaya and the Philippines to buy tractors for the Flower Growers Organization. When he returned to Eretz Israel he sought to turn the farmhouse into an institution that served the entire region, and with the outbreak of the War of Independence he adapted the garage and the locksmith shop for the war. Despite the opposition of the moshav, he joined the army, the Armored Corps. “All these years I longed to fight Hitler and fascism,” – he said. He was sent to the Negev as a technical officer and worked indefinitely. Was in El-Arish. When the enemy’s armored vehicle sank near Gaza, Peretz was the first to remove it, despite the danger of mining, and the others followed. He was also sent to Italy as a military officer. On the 23rd of Tevet 5709 (23.1.1949), returning from a visit home, a car plowed onto the jeep he drove near Haifa. He was seriously injured, taken to the hospital and died there. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kfar Giladi. He left behind a wife and three children. Gifted with all the qualities, harmonious, a mixture of work and protection; acquired the love of his friends and became necessary in the brigade. Books should be written about him. “In the booklet “Armor and Raid,” it was written: “If they asked me what kind of people I wanted to be on earth, I would not find a better example than Dov..

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