Kannim, Mordechai (Moti)

Kannim, Mordechai (Moti)

The only son of Solomon and Rachel. He was born on May 19, 1955 in Or Yehuda. For family reasons Moti had to leave the house and spent three years in an institution on Kibbutz Sde-Nahum. His mother, whose soul was connected to the son’s soul, succeeded, after much effort, in bringing him back to her. The connection between the two was much more than a mother-to-son relationship. They understood each other in a light hint and were Simcha together. Moti graduated from Orim Elementary School in Or Yehuda and continued his studies in the field of seamen at the maritime school in Mikhmoret. Moti was a pleasant and socially acceptable boy. Stood out in various sports, mainly swimming, and his main hobby was collecting stamps and coins. His good Lev is expressed in providing help to all who need it. The manager of the factory notes in his letter to the bereaved mother that “Moti took over the job quickly and had all the data to be an outstanding and successful worker. : Technical sense, ability to absorb and concentration and intelligence. After a few months of work … he also came up with senior employees with seniority in the factory … We told him that we intended to send him to an overseas training course in the field of mechanics, if he returned to the factory after his army service. ” Mordechai was drafted into the IDF in early May 1973 and assigned to the Infantry Corps, after completing basic training and after completing a driver’s course, was transferred to the Air Force as a driver On 20/10/1974 Mordechai fell during his service. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his mother and father. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved mother, his commander wrote: “Of all his comrades, Mordechai excelled in his dedication, loyalty and the fulfillment of the duties imposed upon him, with all his soul and his will, to the satisfaction of his commanders and the joy of his comrades.” In memory of Moti, his mother donated a Torah scroll to the Babylon synagogue in Or Yehuda

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