Janco, Moshe (Moshe-Pinia)

Janco, Moshe (Moshe-Pinia)

Son of Miriam and Shimon, was born on June 30, 1926, in Tel Aviv.

The day after the United Nations General Assembly decided to divide the country into two states, Moshe served in the Givati ​​Brigade to protect the city’s suburbs and escort convoys as an armored commander, volunteering for every difficult task. In Holon, he heard that the battalion was preparing for Operation Hametz, he urged the commanders to join him. The battalion’s mission was the conquest of Tel Arish and the separation of Jaffa from the south while the Etzel forces attacked the city from the north. On the 19th of Nissan, night of 28th April, 1948, when an Arab counter-attack with armored vehicles began on the Saharat Darwish side, Moshe’s squad was called upon to cover up the retreat of our battalions, and they bravely stopped the enemy until their ammunition ran out, and he was killed. Moshe was brought to rest at the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.

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