Jamil, Salem

Jamil, Salem

Salem, Ben Ziona and Abraham Kapah, was born in 1934 in Geffala, Yemen, and immigrated to Israel in 1949. Although he was unable to study regularly, he was able to expand his education on his own. He was loyal and devoted to his parents, took care of his family and did his best to work and support them, even during his service in the IDF, and despite the difficulties it caused him. Upon his aliyah he worked as a laborer in hard labor for three years. Afterward he tried to be hired as a prison guard, but he could not. He was also preparing to pass driver’s exams and get a driver’s license, but he was not able to do so. Salem was active in the National Religious Party and dedicated all of his spare time, especially during election campaigns, and was drafted into the IDF in mid-March 1953 and assigned to the Artillery Corps. After basic training and after completing an artillery course, he was assigned to a moving artillery unit as an artillery. He was a quiet and disciplined soldier, and according to his commander he was devoted and a loyal friend and everyone who knew him loved him. In the army he also served as a religious symbol and was in charge of training in his unit. He tried not to worry his family and did not tell much about his difficulties. During vacations he used to help the house as much as necessary. After he was discharged from the regular army, he was assigned to the reserve forces and during the reserve duty he participated in all of Israel’s wars – from the Sinai Campaign to the Yom Kippur War in the battle against the Egyptians in the Sinai. (16 October 1973) fought with his unit on the central axis in front of the Suez Canal, and the Egyptians shelled and killed him. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind a wife and five children, parents and a brother. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal.

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