Jacobson, Moshe-Erich

Jacobson, Moshe-Erich

Son of-Jacob-Ernst and Esther (Edith). He was born on July 7, 1925 in Goettingen, Germany. As a child, he was weak and sick, but his parents taught him to overcome his weaknesses and not to be perceived as inferior. In the early days of the school, the spirit of the child was stirred up and the parents educated him in a Jewish national spirit, with the intention of paving the way for his future life in the spirit of the Zionist vision. They gave him the reasons for the sufferings of the people and with this Torah they turned the country and its construction into a slogan for his life. In 1938 the family immigrated to Israel. He graduated from high school in Kiryat Motzkin. He received short training as part of the Youth Aliya in Kibbutz Beit Yehoshua. As one of the “Hanoar Haoved” youth, he was an apprentice to the Vulcan factory. He returned to training at Kibbutz Ein Gev and moved to Kibbutz Hahotrim in Kiryat Haim. He joined the Palmach, and was a policeman in the immigrant camps in Kiryat Shmuel and served as a youth counselor in 1940. After completing his duties as a policeman in February 1948, he was drafted into the IDF. At first he was a quartermaster in the Zevulun district headquarters. Participated in the liberation of Emek Zevulun. Then he took a course for the drills. He fell on the first day of Iyar 5709 (30.4.1949) while carrying out his duties, and in the meantime, Kibbutz Hahotrim came to settle in Tira and his friends brought him to bury him in this land. Was transferred to eternal rest at the military cemetery in Haifa on August 25, 1953.

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