Jacob, Asher

Jacob, Asher

Son of Awad (Ovadia) and heard (Shoshana). He was born on 21 July 1957 in Moshav Bekoa. He studied and graduated from the regional elementary school in Tzalfon and the Aliyah high school in Petah Tikva. During summer vacations, he taught at the children’s summer camp and worked in various agricultural jobs. He saw his future in the moshav and therefore continued to acquire knowledge and experience in all branches of agriculture. Who was a good-hearted guy, young in spirit, optimistic and smiling, sociable and loved by everyone. Who was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in November 1975. He was considered an excellent professional, a devoted and self-disciplined soldier, and when he asked to enlist in the regular army, his commander recommended him with all his Lev. His daughter, a visa – when she was born after his death and named after her late father. Who died in the army cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on April 30, 1979. After being tormented for two months by unconsciousness at the hospital, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, Brothers and sisters. “In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote:” Asher was a devoted and loyal soldier who knew how to give all his strength to his role and all that he had to his fellow. “His family and his soldiers loved him and respected his Yaffa qualities and his contribution to the army and to the state.” The family commemorated him in the book “Laws of the Jewish Holidays,” and among the words of his exaltation: “Your manner was so pleasant that it is embedded in us forever. In the synagogue in the moshav of Bekaa, a weekly shiur is held in memory of Asher.

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