Ilish, Yosef (Yossele)

Ilish, Yosef (Yossele)

Yosef (Yossele), son of Rosa and Noah, was born on November 10, 1939 in Poland. His family separated in the early days of World War II, and he and his mother and sister wandered over Nazi-occupied Europe. On the way, they met with the father of the family and asked to settle in one of the cities in Russia, but they were also forced to wander from city to city and from Kolkhoz to the kolkhoz until both parents died. After the war ended, Yossele and his sister were transferred to the Jewish orphanage in Munich, where the Joint dealt with them. From there the emissaries sent them to Israel on the ship Kedma, and they reached the shores of the country in May 1948 and were sent to Kibbutz Ein Harod. The absorption was difficult for Yossele, whose name came from a thin, shy and withdrawn boy. But soon he learned the language and succeeded in integrating with the children. Yosef attended elementary school and high school in Ein Harod Meuhad. He was a very outstanding student, diligent and diligent, away from any pranks and tricks, and every role he was assigned fulfilled to the satisfaction of all, with full dedication and responsibility. He was a sports fan and excelled in table tennis and swimming competitions. Yes a lot to play basketball. He was the center of the Ein Harod team in table tennis. He was also involved in photography and image development. He had inner discipline and integrity, and a great deal of conscientiousness and integrity. His clothes were always neat and clean and his hair was neat. His eyes and the corners of his mouth always had a sardonic smile. Great affection for animals and he found a way to express this affection in the work he invested in the goat barn. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in early October 1957. He volunteered to serve in the naval commando unit and even succeeded in the acceptance examinations, but due to the need to extend his military service for another year, the farm secretariat did not approve him and volunteered for the Golani infantry brigade. After completing his regular service, he was sent to the agricultural school in Ruppin to study in the Shlachin branch, and after he returned to the kibbutz, he entered the labor market and was considered a devoted and responsible worker, diligent, “His son and his daughter, who were born over the years, shared the love of animals, the affection for plants, and the connection He was a devoted father, full of life, dedication and concern, and as a reserve soldier he took part in the Six-Day War and was awarded the War of Independence in the Yom Kippur War. In the battle that took place on Yom-Tishrei, 5734 (October 13, 1973) on Umm-Butna, tank fire hit his position in a bunker and he was killed on the spot. wife, son, daughter and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Yosef fulfilled his duties loyally and with devotion, was loved and accepted by all his subordinates and commanders.” His kibbutz published a pamphlet in his memory, including his biography and friends’ stories about his character.

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