Hori, Avner

Hori, Avner

Avner ben Yacob and Esther was born on the 1st of Tishrei 5767 November 16th, 1955 in Tunis, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1956. He was a decendant of an extensive dynasty of Torah scholars. After successfully completed his studies and became a certified teacher. He had a characteristic-loyalty to his inner truth. Although he had the right to serve as a teacher in the settlements in exchange for his service to the IDF, he joined the IDF. After basic training, he took a wireless course and was sent to the Signal Corps brigade in the south of the country. “Avner was the kind of friend everyone wanted to connect with and he was loved by all the soldiers and commanders of the unit. ” On the 5th of Nissan, June 3rd, 1976, Avner was killed in the course of his duty in the south of the country when he volunteered in the place of one of his friends. He was buried in the military section of the cemetery in Netivot, left behind his parents, five brothers and four sisters. He was later promoted to the rank of corporal.

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