Hilberg, John-Abraham

Hilberg, John-Abraham

Ben Bryna and Shmaryahu Shmuel. Born on Tuesday, 19 September 1974, in Kibbutz Alumim in the Negev, Yochanan was a second son to his parents, who immigrated from the United States two years before his birth in order to establish a family in Israel and educate their children on the values ​​of Judaism and Zionism. Four years later she settled in Moshav Netzer Hazani, in the southern Gaza Strip, where Yohanan suffered from health problems in his stomach, but by the age of three he had overcome these problems and became a lively and playful child. Love at first sight Since then, every summer and every opportunity, Yohanan, who felt in the water like a fish, rushed to the sea and began his studies in elementary school Where he studied in boarding school and returned home every second Shabbat, where he studied in the biological track and as a lover of nature and earth, did his biotop work on A special agricultural method for the Gaza Strip, called “Moasi.” After graduating from high school, Yohanan went to study at the pre-military academy in Beit Yatir, where he studied religious studies while studying navigation and reading maps. In Israel, and thus became familiar with the most beautiful and interesting tour routes. In the course of the years, Yohanan had four brothers. In addition to his older brother Meir, he had a younger brother, Zvi, and three sisters: Chana, Shifra and Neta. Yochanan gathered many friends from the moshav and from the various institutions he had studied there. These friends felt great love and respect. First of all they tell of his kindness, which was reflected in his green eyes. John saw the help to others as a matter of course. When asked for the well-being of a man meant to know, honestly. He was always willing to listen with attention and sensitivity, to give of himself and to help what was necessary, out of his good will. At the same time, little John spoke or talked about himself. He radiated an inner silence, in which there was determination and willpower, humility and humility. Many were also encouraged by the optimistic spirit he radiated, his broad smile and his natural tranquility. When the time came for him to enlist in the IDF, Yohanan received summonses to various units, but his love of the sea attracted him to try to form a naval commando unit. Despite his lean build, he managed to pass the arduous course of his training for the naval commando, thanks to his strong will. Throughout the months of the training, Yohanan was considered an excellent trainee by his commanders and friends, because of his discipline and inner peace, his smile and good heart, which was mentioned in the book End of the Path. When Yohanan began to instruct, the figure of the commanding officer was a form of admiration for his apprentices, not because of the strength he displayed, but because of his patience and sensitivity. The commander of the naval commando unit said, “Many of the youth turn to the Shayetet, and the best of them start the training course, and a few of them finish the difficult route. He believed with all his heart and with all his might that the Zionist fulfillment of his family had been implemented by his family, and that his unconditional faith in the protection and preservation of the state and its inhabitants was nurtured by his mother’s milk and his father’s stories about his service at the Marines in Vietnam. A unique quality fighter with a personal ability Re professionalism, diligence and companies without reservation. For John, help others and the companies were internal order or thought that can not be appealed. ” During his service, Yohanan met with Chen, with whom he had a lot of heartSpent his holidays in meetings and trips, and from the army sent her letters, including stories of experiences and longing. After the liberation, Yohanan dreamed of continuing to travel in Israel and throughout the world. On the 5th of Elul 5757 (5.9.1997), Maj. Gen. Yohanan fell in combat in Lebanon when he and eleven other naval commandos were hit by a roadside bomb on their way to operational activity. He was almost twenty-three years old when John fell. With him were: Lt. Col. Yossi Korkin, Major Dr. Maher Dagesh, Major Dr. Yitzhak Bentov, Captain Ram Levinas, Captain Zvi Grossman, Lt. Col. Raz Tabi, Major Itamar Ilya, Aryeh Abramzon, St.-Sgt. Guy Golan, Staff Sergeant Gal Rudovsky and Staff Sergeant Yaniv Shmiel, who was buried in the Gush Katif cemetery and left his parents, brothers and sisters, Meir, Chana, Shifra, Neta and Zvi and his girlfriend Chen. And the friends of Yochanan brought out a book with the words of his relatives and friends, and in Gush Katif a tradition of a torch race was born every Hanukkah in the name of Yochanan: “We were ten of these sands. Our feet were not dirt to you We had a son / he was one of us who used to be the creeping / impossible to uproot / you can not stop. / And there was one son / “We were nine.” After the process of “disengagement,” Yohanan was brought for burial in the military section of the Nitzan cemetery on the 25th of Menachem Av (August 30, 2005) after being uprooted from the dances of Gush Katif.

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