Hayoun, Meir

Hayoun, Meir

Son of Mazal and Nisim. Was born on August 14, 1927, in Jerusalem, where he grew up and was educated. From 1941 he was a member of the Haganah. Throughout the years he willingly and enthusiastically went on trips, training, and actions of the Haganah. During Pesach 5747, he participated with his friends in the Haganah on the journey to Masada. On the day of the Declaration of Independence, 14.5.1948, the day the British army left Jerusalem, he and his friends went out to occupy the evacuated area. As they moved from Princess Mary Street to the commercial center, he was hit by a cluster of bullets and fell. On the morning of that day, he wrote a letter to his friend in the United States, explaining to her that he had not responded to her invitation to visit them: “My answer is simple: no Jews leave the Holy Land …” A few hours later, on 15.5.1948 )he Was brought to eternal rest in the Sanhedria cemetery in Jerusalem.

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