Hava, Yosef (Yossi)

Hava, Yosef (Yossi)

Ben Simcha and Jacob. He was born on 19.7.1970 in Jerusalem. He studied at the Yehonatan Netanyahu Elementary School in Jerusalem and later completed his studies at the Ein Kerem agricultural high school in the mechanics track, and according to his teachers, Yossi was one of the pillars of the high school. Yossi was a devoted son of his family and a devoted friend to his friends, always helping and demanding justice, Yossi loved sports and especially soccer, and he also loved Mizrahi songs, and devoted much of his free time to helping his parents in the family business. And took part in the Kiddush, which the family held every Friday evening, and when he approached the army he asked to serve only in a cold unit Home. Yossi was drafted into the IDF in mid-October 1988, volunteered for the infantry and was assigned to the Givati ​​Brigade, where Yossi loved the army and during his short service gave his best to defend the homeland. After completing basic training, he completed his position as an outstanding departmental trainee, and after completing his commanding officer course, he was placed in a brigade unit in the Gaza area as a liaison. On September 13, 1989, Yossi fell in the line of duty when his radio antenna hit an electric cord on one of the rooftops in Gaza City. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, three brothers – Ofer, Sasson and Shlomo and two sisters – Aviva and Irit. He was nineteen when he fell. In his obituary, his commander said: “Yossi, an outstanding soldier who was loved by all.” In a letter of condolences to the family, his commander wrote: “Yossi fulfilled his role well during operational employment and served as an example for his comrades.” One of his close friends described Yossi as an optimistic boy with a great deal of joy. Other members said: “Yossi is a person who can not be said of anything bad.” His friend said that despite the natural difficulty during the service, Yossi never complained. “Yossi is always a volunteer, always willing to help.” His friend Gil Elbaum said of him: “What grace, what beauty, what love.”

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