Harush, Ofer

Harush, Ofer

Lucky and Abraham. He was born on June 16, 1974 in Jerusalem. Raised and educated in the French Hill neighborhood, evident in his kindness and gentle soul. He attended the “Janusz Korczak” elementary school and went on to Rene Cassan High School. Like most of his peers, Ofer and his friends spent long hours on the sports fields, and that is what everyone remembers – a blond, handsome, sunburnt boy who returns home while jumping a ball. He was surrounded by many good friends, with whom he also spent time in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement to which he belonged. Ofer was not one of the outstanding students, but his attitude to studies was serious and mature, a relationship that stemmed from his strong desire to maximize his ability and succeed. In high school, Ofer spent many hours playing basketball, as part of the Sports Association, he joined the school team and served as the team coach. The days before his induction were cheerful and lively and entertaining: endless phone calls, parties and a tour of some European countries. At the end of November 1992, Ofer enlisted in the IDF, underwent basic training and was trained as a combat soldier. Ofer chose to follow the path of his older brother and served in the engineering division of the Givati ​​Brigade. Within a few months, he became a muscular soldier who was also surrounded by many friends in his military life. The days of service passed quickly, until the last operational activity, from which he did not return. On August 29, 1994, he left with his unit for a night tour of the Beaufort area in southern Lebanon. The force encountered a squad of Hezbollah terrorists and Ofer was killed and another soldier was wounded. Ofer was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his parents and three brothers – Dror, Eyal and Kfir. Ofer served as a sergeant in the engineering division of the Givati ​​Brigade and was described by his commanders as one of the most prominent soldiers in his department, a soldier with values, diligence and meticulousness, who always volunteers for all A mission, admired and accepted by its members and commanders alike. ” The commander of the unit wrote to the family: “Ofer served in the company from November 1992, and during this period he graduated with honors with a track in the Field Service, demonstrated professionalism and a very high level of investment. At the end of the route, Ofer joined a team of sergeants, and was later assigned to a command post in the company. Ofer carried out every task assigned to him, and was considered a very reliable and disciplined soldier. Ofer was admired by his friends and commanders for his qualities and character. “The press published articles covering the battle in which Ofer was killed and his name was also mentioned in other articles about the graduates of the Rene Kassan school who fell during their service in the IDF.

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