Har-Zahav, Uri

Har-Zahav, Uri

Son of Shmuel and Hannah. He was born on July 5, 1956 in Hod Hasharon. In 1962 the family moved to Kiryat Gat. Here he studied at the Yad Yitzhak elementary school. Afterward he studied at the Mevo’ot Yam School in Mikhmoret, where he received general and professional education – as a diesel mechanic. Here he stood out in social life and served as head of the student council. “Uri, as the head of the student council, served as a mentor for many, with the strength of his desire in his young soul, his modesty, his calm and calm speech, and his willingness to act, to do for the public … He had the wonderful virtue of” Hearts’, with his personal charm, and we saw him as a young natural leader. ” Before his induction into the IDF, he set himself a goal that combined his technical skills with the wonderful spirit of volunteerism that was inherent in him, and he volunteered to serve in the submarines. When the day came, he wore the uniform of the navy, and after proper training for a course for divers and submarine mechanics, he received the rank of Corporal and became a diver. Says one of his teammates: “From the top of the submarine bridge, Uri looks like he has conquered the peak of his desires, at the end of a long road with many obstacles.” Uri’s commanders soon recognized Uri’s great ability, and in September 1976 sent him to England to continue his studies. Uri’s unit commander says: “About six months ago, he was sent to England to join the new submarine that was in its final stages of construction – to study its systems and supervise the work at the end of the construction and experiments. I was present at these stages, and I saw him in his operations. His commanders trusted him in everything and assigned him many tasks that he carried out impeccably. ” The months passed quickly, and the day longed for his return to Israel. In his letters to his family and friends, Uri emphasized his deep longing for home and country, but noted his satisfaction with the professional training. The bitter fate, however, was cruel to him and put all his hopes to rest. Uri’s love of landscape, nature and hiking led him to a trip to the mountains of Scotland – a journey he did not return after a fatal accident. For three days he struggled between despair and hope, but the doctors’ efforts to save him were in vain. He fell during his service on the 17th of Adar 5737 (7.3.1977). Was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the cemetery in Kiryat Gat. Survived by his parents and three brothers. In his memory, an album was published, containing many pictures and memorials – written by his family, teachers, commanders and friends.

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