Hamer, Yoram

Hamer, Yoram

Son of Moshe and Ahuva. Born on May 8, 1957 in Kibbutz Kedma, he studied at the Yad Yitzhak elementary school and continued at the Rogozin High School in Kiryat Gat. He completed his high school studies at Kibbutz Mevo’ot HaNegev in Kibbutz Shoval. When he was one year old, the family decided to leave the kibbutz and moved to Kiryat Gat. Despite the family’s difficulties in adapting to the city, Yoram grew up with warmth and love, and he is a child who is more alert and developed than his age. He completed his elementary school successfully and continued his studies in the first graduating class of the Rogozin High School, and the new and rigid regime in the school did not like Yoram, who recognized the right of each person to choose his or her favorite occupation. The atmosphere of competition at the school angered him, and he decided to try his luck at Kibbutz Lahav and here he found his place, while at the same time he was active in the Hashomer Hatzair youth company and in the younger division. He played basketball at Hapoel, in the youth team in Kiryat Gat, and played table tennis, stage art and other cultural activities He was also an excellent part of his work – both at the Rogozin School and in the Mevo’ot HaNegev – he was especially talented in the field of guidance, and Yoram was optimistic, loving people, loving life and nature. Yoram was a boy who cared, serious, believing, dreaming and striving for a better and better society, he had a lot to say – to the kibbutz, to the commander, to society – and he He also knew how to express that with his Lev. His ability to express is evident in the conversations he has with his friends and prose and songs he wrote. “I hate the war … I love green fields, and I love Simcha children …” he wrote in one of his poems, and in these lines he reveals his entire personality, who hated hatred and loved love. At the beginning of August 1976, Yoram was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Armored Corps, after which he was sent to the tank commanders’ course and completed the course as a guide, completing the course as a guide: “I want to fight wars and only kill them so that the boys Mine will not have to spend the most Yaffa years in their lives to learn to kill and hate. All I want is for everyone to live in peace and not have to go to the army with a rifle, and instead they will go to the field with a plow. I want peace. “But he necessarily recognized the military service and stated:” But I must and I will do it the best. “On the 5th of Adar I, 5738 (March 4, 1978), he fell during his service and was brought to rest at home. – The cemetery in Kiryat Gat left behind his parents, brother and sister: “Your son fell at the beginning of his career as a commander, and there is no doubt that if he had not fallen he would have been successful in his military path.” He seems to me mature – his appearance and his attitude to things. I appreciated his ability to think, his tendency toward criticism by penetrating deep into things; His courage to express an unacceptable opinion; But mostly I appreciated his sensitivity, which was especially obvious to me in view of his attempts to look cynical – and I liked him for that. His family recorded his name in a pamphlet he published in his memory, which included the words of friends about his image, as well as the assistance and organization of the Hapoel branch, Kiryat Gat is named after a basketball tournament.

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