Hamdani, Eran (the boy)

Hamdani, Eran (the boy)

The youngest son of Zina (Malka) and Shlomo. He was born on the eve of Shabbat, the 13th of Cheshvan 5737 (5.11.1976) in Givatayim. “You were born ill,” says his sister Deganit. “You spit between life and death and after they took you out of the incubator, they fed you with a dropper, a drop, because you could not.” When he left the hospital, the doctors told his mother, “We tried everything, only warmth and love might save your son.” And Eran did receive a great deal of love, and four mothers who cared for him with devotion-his mother and three sisters. Eran was born, raised and educated in Givatayim. He studied at Shimoni Elementary School for eight years and completed his high school studies at the School of Practical Engineering at Tel Aviv University in Ramat Aviv. Eran wanted to know everything, asked questions and was interested. “We realized that it was out of wisdom that you did not take things for granted, dug, inquired, inquired what they were coming from or how complex they were,” Deganit recalls. Eran’s talents were expressed in many fields – intellectual, motor, mechanical, social and athletic. From an early age, Eran Roach discovered sensitivity and love to animals. The courtyard of the house became a miniature zoo: Eran Gedel hamsters, rabbits, birds, and the desert parrot Jacquot (who never spoke …). At the same time he discovered a special love for cars, and at the age of two he knew how to identify them, accurately, and even to name them. At Eran’s feet there were always two wheels. As a child, the bicycle was a source of pleasure, personal expression, creativity and uniqueness. This hobby fulfilled his need for movement, provided his curiosity, and created an opportunity to connect with adults of his age. The practice of cycling also contributed to the development of his commercial ability: Eran was the “champion of the combines” – buying bicycles, dismantling and re-assembling them to improve their level of performance, and then selling them. As a cyclist and acrobat, he appeared on the television programs “Galitz Glatz”, “Eighties in the Air” and “On Wheels”. He took part in competitions and bicycle trips of adults, and in this way he expressed the love of the expanses, the curiosity to know the country, and the need to connect with the adult society of his age. As an adult he was riding and loving motorcycles, ATVs, and cars for his own good. Eran acquired considerable knowledge and professional expertise, and showed great knowledge and understanding of cars. He was able to locate faults and mishaps, and repair them with his own hands. The motorbikes and cars excited his imagination, were a source of ecstasy and made him feel powerful and powerful. Eran loved the caress of the wind on his body while riding a motorcycle. According to him, the peak of pleasure in life is “riding a motorcycle in the sand dunes.” A permanent task that Eran took upon himself was to replace the cars of the members of the household with more modernity. He expressed his passion by getting to know all the new models, visiting exhibitions, and photographing many pictures of unique cars. Eran was an outstanding athlete: he played handball, participated regularly in the Givatayim race, and even reached number one. The parents’ house Eran had support, support and a foundation throughout the years, and was a social center for him and his friends. From here he drew his strength and the love of life that filled every slit in his soul. Eran the son, the brother, the grandson, the brother-in-law and the beloved uncle were always interested and cared for his parents, his sisters – Sigal, Dganit and Tali, his nieces – Shaked and Segev. As a teenager, he was the mainstay in planning the future of the family. He planned to combine his high engineering studies with joining his father’s business. “He saw the business as a place to create, make and fulfill dreams,” Shahar said. In fact, Eran was already involved and involved in the business. Eran was full of opposites that complemented each other. Determination, determination, willpower, devotion, ambition, integrity and directness to the point of cleverness, cleverness, sensitivity, sincerity, Kindness, consideration, love and help to others. As foresight, he wanted to get the most out of it. He wanted to exhaust life – and intensively. With rare talent he managed to maneuver between all his activities, wanting to gather more and more experiences, to suffice, to give and absorb as much as possible, a real frenzy. In his captivating personality Eran attracted young people and adults who wanted his company. He knew how to give with all his heart, he was loyal and devoted himself to the members of total devotion. His friends say that he was the driving spirit in the group, capable of leadership, and loved by most of them. Eran’s “trade symbol” was a wide smile that revealed a line of white teeth. His smiling expression gave him a relaxed, happy, youthful and confident air. Everyone knew – “there is someone to trust” – his big hands conveyed warmth, love and strength. His self-confidence, adult thinking, understanding, helping others, alertness and curiosity did not match his youth. “Eran took responsibility, a real mission, to soften the pain of others and to take care and do something that would make people happy, he said, knowing how others felt, even though he was young. ” Hanan the brother-in-law describes Eran as a child who is impressed by his self-confidence and his knowledge. Rami, his devoted friend, writes: “I knew Eran as an open, sociable guy with a lot of joy in life, one who received in 5 minutes the personality of the person standing opposite him and the ‘bull’s-eye’ in his ability to diagnose.” Shachar Leibowitz, a childhood friend, said: “Eran had ideas, advice and solutions for every situation, but he was not only handsome but demanded, but he always always helped and gave a hand. Took initiative and turned the speech into practice. ” From the dawn of his childhood he had been determined, determined, and knew how to draw his way in life. “Eran always thought and saw a few steps ahead: he always examined what he had and checked what needed to be improved.” “One of the traits that characterizes Eran is ‘sticking to the goal and conquering the goal,'” said Orit, his close friend: “When he decided something, it became his commitment to the environment. I will not get it. ‘ The concept of ‘impossible’ was not in his lexicon, and I realized throughout the years that he was right: Everything he wanted, he achieved, and everything he promised, exists. ” From an early age, girls were an inseparable part of his life, and were rewarded with warm meals and love and courtship. His last girlfriend, Maya, wrote: “Thanks to him today, I understand the meaning of love and relationship, I know what to establish a true relationship … It’s amazing how a child without experience can be so smart!” Shortly after his enlistment, Eran traveled with Mia on a trip to the United States. The news of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin caught them in Los Angeles. Eran was shocked, worried, and asked to return immediately to Israel. When the time came for recruitment, Eran volunteered for the “Duvdevan” unit. Because of a medical problem, he was transferred to the Golani Brigade, to the 51st Battalion. Before the enlistment he underwent surgery and after that, on November 21, 1995, he began basic training. In the few letters he wrote during this period, his character emerges as a sensitive man, consistent with his love, caring for others and very attached to the home and the family. Despite the difficult medical problem and the pain he suffered from, he completed basic training, stood honorably on a beret and even helped the other soldiers complete the mission. He reached the finish line as an outstanding soldier. From here began a journey of medical complications. At the end of the advanced training and the receipt of the warrior’s pin, he was placed at the 781 school at the Tel Hashomer base as a security NCO, and at the same time was treated at the pain clinic and the urology department. Eran was chosen to be the “commander of the war room” and responsible for the security agencies. Wrote his commander Yosef and Zana: “Eran, who stood out in his smile, was full of bitterAnd joy of life. A diligent and devoted soldier, serious and clever, with a high personal ability and willingness to help and help. Eran, who projected security into his surroundings, aspired to the perfection of the mission. Was independent in fulfilling his duties, while showing high motivation and willingness to contribute from his experience and professionalism, and was a personal example of those around him. “Eran did not have time to know that he was chosen as the outstanding soldier of the 781 school in 1997. On Wednesday, 24.9.1997, Eran fell while filling He left his base at Tel Hashomer and made his way to the PHR in Tzrifin to receive a referral to the hospital. Back at the base he died in a brutal car accident. The thread of his life is suddenly frozen with plans, dreams, and expectations. He was twenty-one when he fell. He was laid to rest at a full military ceremony and buried in the Holon cemetery. At the request of the parents, he was buried in the civilian section, testimony to the love of the parents until their death – “In their lives and in their deaths they did not part.” His grave reads: “Created from love, lived as a prince, gave generously as king and was stolen in the days of his life.” Eran left behind his parents and three sisters, two brothers-in-law and two nieces. After his death, his nephews Neta, Dolev-Shlomo and three nephews named after him were born: Eran-Chai, Eran-Or and Eran-Shalev. The commander of the unit, Major Yosef Vazana said: “… In the first introductory conversation, I immediately commented on the nature of Eran – a cute, smiling and charming young man who knows what he wants from himself, who wants to give and contribute everything that is imposed on him, and beyond that I was impressed and immediately knew that their hair suited us, with his professional knowledge, and with the experience he acquired in Golani, who was able to function and command others, to withstand severe stress in our day-to-day lives. To be professional and thorough in your dedicated work, with a sense of developed responsibility, I always knew that you could be trusted … You, dear Eran, you were also a brother and a friend, and in your good heart you knew how to help To help friends and soldiers with a wise briefing and with the right advice, with all your great soul … I salute you. ” Speak to Meir Vasker, his direct superior: “… I thank God at every moment that I had the privilege of knowing you, and from the very beginning I noticed that you are a person who can be trusted with all the strength, every task or task. , The industriousness and the professionalism that always characterized you … It was no coincidence that I wanted you to be the commander of the war room – a position that demands self-discipline, work ethics, responsibility and teamwork. “In a condolence letter to the bereaved family, the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, wrote:” Eran was described by his commanders as a responsible soldier who performed his duty with devotion, while showing seriousness and credibility, Showed high self-confidence and a sense of well-developed criticism, became the figure of a leader who was admired and accepted by his commanders and friends alike. ” In his lifetime, his mother wrote to him: “To my beloved son Aranosh, Rachel called her son” Ben Oni. “You are my strength, you give me a unique taste, because of you I could understand the mothers as an inebriation …” To the weak everywhere, you did not in order to receive a reward, you remained a righteous and fair seeker, and in the place where others “minced,” you were responsible and a great leader. ” On the seventh day of his death, his father eulogized him: “Eran, my Eran, Daddy, you are the essence of love for me, you are not only a son to me but a friend, a friend, a partner and a father … I have seen you as the fulfillment of all my dreams. You are proud of me … Eran, my prince, I am proud of you: wise, sensitive, industrious, loving, proud of business, full of responsibility and love … “In December 1997, three months after the fall ofEran, an evening in memory was held at Beit Rishonim in Givatayim. This evening, the song “Eran” by Haim Leichtman and composed by Ohad Hitman was performed for the first time: “It seems to me that only yesterday was born / with his sweet smile in the evening / I think that Mom is hand in hand with him now walking through the streets of Givatayim. “Eran’s mother said:” If Eran were with us here, he would have one message – the road should not be right. And wise, on the road we must not trust the other! ” The Visualization Section in the Film Unit of the Education and Youth Corps produced a film and an album in memory of Eran. His family published a book in his memory containing pictures, letters, and farewell lists. In memory of Eran there was a bicycle trip. At the Tel Hashomer base, at 781, Eran is commemorated in a “heritage room” and on his 21st birthday a tree is planted at the base in his name. A boulevard named after Eran Hamdani Square, which represents Eran’s personality – an abundance of light, vitality and movement – and on the other hand, beauty and serenity. You in your life. Instead of building a house for you, we built and dedicated a loaf to you, “the parents wrote,” … the king of life, the king of the world, the king of youth and the king of the family will always remain in our eyes. ” I look at your picture, try to hear your voice, but your voice is not heard. … I remained a missing person, who would never be whole again. Time changes the pain. It does not reduce the depth of pain, on the contrary. “Sister Tali wrote:” You still can not get out a syllable connected to you … Is it possible to understand the soul of a person who lost a special brother ?! Can one understand that his world was destroyed by the acceptance of the gospel of Job, and today, with his few powers, tries to gather up his fragments? “Ilan the brother-in-law, who knew and raised Eran from his childhood, summed up his life:” How much vitality and joy of life was there in this child ?! And how much time he had in his short life. “

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