Halperin, Israel (Srulik)

Halperin, Israel (Srulik)

Son of Mordechai and Sarah. He was born on October 4, 1952 in Rehovot. Despite the asthma disease that struck him as a child and confined him to his bed for long periods of time, he successfully completed the Sprinzak elementary school and studied for two years of fine mechanics at the ORT vocational high school in Rehovot. “When he went on to study at the high school in Sde Boker, the dry air of the Negev helped his absolute recovery, and Israel developed in his body and in his soul, He was not Simcha with his greatness, he was content with what he had, and for this he was loved by all who knew him He enlisted in the IDF in early August 1971 and was assigned to the Air Force School of Flight, underwent various professional courses and advanced in ranks and positions. Finally he took an officers’ course, an Air Force officers course, and a course for officers in charge. He fulfilled his complex and varied tasks with great dedication and perseverance, and won the admiration of his commanders and subordinates. On the 10th of Elul, 5763 (1973), Israel’s second lieutenant fell in the line of duty and was put to rest in the military section of the civilian cemetery in Rehovot. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant.

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