Hahnana, Amos

Hahnana, Amos

Ben Dina and Pinchas. He was born on Tuesday, 24 October 1979, in Be’er Sheva, a young brother to Moshe, Galit, Malki and Sneit, a smiling child, full of mischief and joy of life, raised in his hometown, first in religious kindergartens, He studied elementary school at Reut, and completed his studies at the Comprehensive High School A. Amos was a curious and intelligent student and invested in his studies, and he played soccer for a long time. He also worked in jobs that were characterized by providing service to the public, which he performed with dedication and good will, surrounded by friends, loved to travel and travel in Israel and abroad. His family was very important to him and he showed them love, responsibility, concern, respect and appreciation. Amos was a traditional man who kept his prayers. Amos joined the Israel Defense Forces in late March 1999. He wanted to serve in an elite unit but was rejected for medical problems, was placed in the Artillery Corps and after many requests was transferred to the IAF and sent to serve in the technical school in Haifa. Soon he was absorbed in the place and was pleased with his service. His friends in the unit talk about a charming person, who is capable of listening and giving and a desire to help everyone. Amos died during his service, on the 11th of Tammuz 5760 (11.7.2000), in a road accident that occurred while he was on his way from a party at the base where he served, and he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. , A brother and three sisters, and was promoted to corporal after his fall. The commander of the unit Amos served in wrote a letter of condolence to his family: “During the eight months he served in the unit, he stood out for his high quality, joy of life, handsome character and broad smile.” Amos demonstrated endless dedication, unconditional love, On the first anniversary of his death, his sister Malki writes: “From a smiling child, full of mischief and joy of life, you have become a quiet boy, clinging to a religion that values ​​values ​​unremittingly, and from there to a strong, serious, responsible, surrounded and loving man whose main hobby is sports and music. The cruel one picked a flower at the height of its flowering, and we are standing at the door, and what you see is only the beauty of the water Alloy placed in the living room. The smile never forget and grace will never be forgotten. “

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