Hadar, David (“Dudu”, “Hodli”)

Hadar, David (“Dudu”, “Hodli”)

Son of Arthur and Ferenczi. Born on June 20, 1947 in Bedford, England, he immigrated to Israel with his family in 1948. He studied at the elementary school in Kibbutz Yassur in the Western Galilee and became a counselor in the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement in Acre, After graduating from elementary school, he studied at the Na’aman Institute (Naaman Regional Council) and was a sports enthusiast and joined the Hapoel Na’aman soccer team. But the orchard, the work in it, and the staff kept him on the kibbutz Levi Lev conversation. He tried to solve problems by dealing, and by the challenges set for itself. Later expressed serious attitude in this work of seriousness, and succeeded in it. That was David before being recruited to the IDF and this figure fits in with the same figure army and later. David was drafted into the IDF in July 1965 and assigned to the Nahal Brigade. After completing basic training, he completed a course for officers and officers, and during the Six-Day War he participated in the battles in Jenin and Nablus and in the battles for the Golan Heights, and after his discharge from the army he was called to serve in the cooperative. On the banks of the Suez Canal and on the slopes of Mount Dov. “On September 8, 1970, Lieutenant David fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kibbutz Yasur. Afterward, his commander wrote to his parents: “Dudu has been an officer in my unit for two years, and he made his way through the unit as an officer and commander in his unique and deep-rooted way. He knew how to merge his attacks with his subordinates and his commanders, and his beloved personality was prominent in the ranks of the unit’s officers, who combined the attacks and created a common language with those around him in direct contact with them. In both operational operations, in which you were familiar As a man and as an officer, I learned that I could entrust him with any independent task, and that this would be carried out in the spirit of the command and its expansion through his uncle’s initiative, And the ability to lead its people with maximum efficiency, the poor words express my sorrow, and the words can not remove the pain and bereavement, and I can only assure you, my parents, Yael and the family! You can be proud of his uncle, but unfortunately this is the price our generation has to pay so that quiet will prevail in our communities and our children will not taste the katyushas and shelters. We all proudly bear the memory of Dudu and salute him in his memory. “After his fall, Yassour published a booklet called Dudu.

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