Hadad, Yosef (Shoshan)

Hadad, Yosef (Shoshan)

Son of Yocheved and Huatu was born on December 23, 1951, on the island of Djerba in Tunisia. In 1956, when he was five years old, Yosef immigrated to Israel with his family and settled in Netivot. He began elementary school at the Nativ Yitzhak School. Yosef completed his high school studies at the “Education College” in Azata. In 1969, Yosef enlisted in the IDF and was appointed to serve in the Military Police, and for a while he was in charge of training in the unit, where he worked in the Solel Boneh. He was the first to give the name of her grandmother Zvia, and his second daughter, who was born after his death, was named after him – Shoshi. On the 25th of Kislev 5743 (11.11.1982), as a result of the explosion of a gas container in the government building in Tire, the building collapsed and buried its inhabitants, among them Yosef. His family commemorated the purchase of a Torah scroll for the synagogue in Netivot.

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