Hadad, Abraham (“Avi”)

Hadad, Abraham (“Avi”)

Son of Shusha and Saadia. He was born in 1939 in Yemen, and at the age of nine he immigrated to Israel in the framework of Youth Aliyah and was in Kfar Ganim, near Petah Tikva, where he studied at Rabbi Zvik’s institution. He worked as a gardener and painter, but when he reached the army in February 1958, he left and served in combat engineering. His spirit was always good and his mouth full of song and laughter all day; And in the army (as the company commander wrote to his family in his letter of condolence after he fell), he would inspire and excite the members of his platoon for tasks and duties. On the second day of the battles of the Six-Day War, he was on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967) in the battle for Jenin, Avraham fell and he was then a machine gunner in the armored vehicle as a platoon commander; his hands were then to rescue casualties and rode under enemy fire, As the commander related in his letter. Put a wife and daughter who was seven months old at the fall of her father. In the same battle, Avraham discovered heroism and courage, his devotion and his resourcefulness and behavior on the battlefield was, for example, the fighters of the entire formation, the brotherhood of warriors at risk of life. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Afula. A pamphlet issued by the engineering company of the Barak formation commemorated his name.

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