Gus, Isaac (Ijo)

Gus, Isaac (Ijo)

Son of Esther and Shmuel, he was born on 20 June 1952 in Tel Aviv. His parents, Holocaust survivors, immigrated to Israel in 1949. Yitzhak attended the Tel-Nordau elementary school and the Ironi Hei high school. He stood out as a cheerful, intelligent and friendly boy. Yitzhak spent his spare time in sports competitions, walks and on the beach. In 1970, Yitzhak enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces and served in the Military Police, where he served as a soldier in charge, trusted and devoted. As a criminal investigator in the MPCID, Yitzhak also excelled in the MPCID, and rose to the rank of sergeant and sergeant in the Yom Kippur War, serving in the southern front, and according to his superiors Yitzhak Mofet, excelled in his organizational capacity, dedication, and concern for others. On 25 Kislev, 11 November 1982, a gas canister exploded in the Military Government building in Tire. The building collapsed and dozens of people were killed and wounded, among them Yitzhak. Yitzhak was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. He was survived by his parents and brother. He was 30 years old when he died.

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