Gross, Yosef (Erich)

Gross, Yosef (Erich)

Yosef (Erich) son of Esther and Yisrael Gross, was born on January 21, 1924 in the city of Ostrava-Witkowitz, in Czechoslovakia to a Zionist and traditional family. At an early age, he joined the Maccabee-Hatzair Association and was always surrounded by friends who loved him because of his pleasant nature. He moved with his family to Bratislava with the clear aim of reaching Eretz Israel. His dream came true after a long time.
The ship he was on was seized by the British and its passengers were placed in the detention camp at Atlit. From there they were deported far from Palestine to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Despite the difficulties, the campers organized and maintained a high level of cultural and social life. In order to support his family he worked in a bakery on the island. He finally reached his parents’ home and succeeded in immigrating to Israel and living in Kiryat Chaim. For his living he worked at the Ata factory and taught foreign languages ​​to adults.
When the War of Independence broke out, he was drafted into the army and volunteered for the newly established Brigade 7. On 15 Iyar, May 24, 1948, Erich fell in a difficult battle in Latrun. For two years his body was missing and when it was found, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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