Gridi, Mordechai

Gridi, Mordechai

Mordechai, son of Rachel and Menahem, was born on March 21, 1954, in Beit She’an. In 1959, his family moved to Ramat Hasharon where he studied at the Uziel Elementary School. He continued his studies at the “Kiryat Youth” high school yeshiva in Jerusalem. Mordechai grew up and was educated in the spirit of Jewish tradition and faith in the God of Israel. He adhered to his faith and kept the observance of the commandments, until he was called “Mordechai the Righteous”. He was an outstanding student and invested all his energies and energies in studying Torah and halachah. He earned the appreciation of his teachers, who wanted him to continue to study and go to teach, since they believed he had a quick grasp and was able to impart to others the knowledge he had acquired. However, ever since he had insisted, it was Mordecai’s desire to serve his people and his country. He had a spirit of volunteerism and was ready for any sacrifice that would be required of him. This willingness led him to embark on a mission he did not return from. He was a loyal friend of truth, who was always willing to help and help others. Because of the inherent love of man he was going to study medicine, knowing that by doing so he could help and ease people. However, he did not achieve his ambition and failed to realize his dream. Mordechai was drafted into the IDF in early August 1972 and assigned to the Engineering Corps, during which he participated in a sabotage course, a course for squad commanders, and a course from the Engineering Corps. In 1973, he successfully completed an officer’s course at the IDF Officers School, where he completed his course in November 1973, and after being awarded the rank of officer, he was sent to serve as an engineering officer in the Northern Command. He volunteered and was sent to Sinai to rescue an Egyptian Air Force pilot whose plane crashed and fell in Israeli territory on 11.4.44. 1974), terrorists broke into the city of Kiryat Shmona, and Mordechai went to the scene with his comrades in the unit to assist in the liquidation of the terrorists He was left to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery and left behind his parents, two brothers and a sister, and in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the defense minister wrote: “Deputy Mordechai He died in Kiryat Shmona in a battle with terrorists on April 11, 1974. Mordechai served in the Engineering Corps. He was an excellent soldier, a talented officer and a loyal friend. Mordechai was loved for everything. “His parents donated a Torah scroll to his synagogue in Ramat Hasharon, and the local council of Ramat Hasharon published a pamphlet commemorating the fallen sons of the campaign, including remarks about Mordecai’s character.

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