Gozlan, Yosef

Gozlan, Yosef

Son of Hannah and Shalom. He was born on February 15, 1951. In 1954 he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Tel Hanan, where he began his elementary studies at the Givon school in the town and finished eighth grade. Despite his difficulties in absorption, he quickly learned Hebrew and adapted to school life, aspiring to study and progress, and he had a strong desire to succeed, and after finishing elementary school, Yosef decided to go to high school In Nesher, where he completed his studies in the framework of frameworks, he felt great progress in his studies and he was diligent and diligent. See his age. He had a straight face, and he could read the situation correctly and taken into account. Punctuality was one of his most obvious traits, and she continued to accompany him throughout his life. He had many friends, who loved to spend time with him: “We have always known that a guy like you should and can be trusted. His smile was charming and his quiet nature expressed youthful innocence. He was energetic and was a good mood for everyone around him. “His classmates know that he was” one of the guys … treated the girls of the weak sex with respect, would usually avoid fights and would love to entertain the guys. “His teachers say he was a boy Responsible, with a developed sense of justice, who was sometimes willing to take the blame to protect his friends: “When he was punished, rightly or wrongly, he would perform it first and then go to the teacher and try to explain the truth.” Yosef was an avid sports fan and actor In his youth, he played for the Hapoel Tel Hanan soccer team in the league B. In early September 1968, he joined the IDF, saying: “If you rub yourself, then in combat.” And so he turned to the ranks of the Border Police. He underwent basic training and was a police sergeant and served as a regular policeman for a year and a half. His commanders noted that he was one of the outstanding and disciplined soldiers and that his behavior and actions were a model for others. “You did not have to talk to Yossi a lot,” he said, “and in a single word he understood everything and the ability to trust him that everything would be done in the best possible way.” His friends appreciated his being a broad-hearted, pleasant, smiling and welcoming man, one of those who were hidden to the tools and the early “we” to “listen.” The willingness to give everything was what guided him in his daily life. “Joseph was all important to him, he did not disdain any role, he was smiling and respectful to his friends and people, he stood the test of fire as an excellent soldier who had great faith in others and was meticulous in his missions. Joseph showed courage and was not afraid of enemy fire, as the commanders and comrades of the army show: “You do not flinch from the enemy’s bullets and the bazooka bombs that you are always persecuting … You were always a scapegoat … You fought bitter battles with the enemy east of the Jordan. You were the firm hand in your class. ” On the 29th of Shevat 5770 (29.1.1970) Yosef fell while serving on the Jordanian border at the age of nineteen. He was a force commander of the Border Guard, which moved east of Kibbutz Gesher in the Beit Shean Valley, and suddenly an IDF officer opened fire from the border and an IDF officer standing next to a military half-track that gave cover to the force was injured. Quickly toward the half-track. When he came to the aid of the officer, who was lying wounded on the ground, he was exposed to the fire of the enemy and was wounded in his chest by mortal wounds. For this act he was awarded the Courage Medal of the Israel Police. At the ceremony, his commander told us that Joseph had been hit by enemy fire twelve times and yet continued to fight stubbornly until he was hit by the thirteenth bullet. Joseph was laid to rest at the military cemetery in KhBeautiful. Survived by his mother, two sisters – Monique and Aliza and four brothers – Shmuel, Haim, Danny and Meir. On the thirtieth day of his fall, his commander eulogized him: “Every day, every hour, every moment your character stands before our eyes, and then we feel your joy, and the echo of your voice still rings in our ears, ringing like the sound of bells and the memory of your smile as the shining sun. You are not here with us, and the rising sun is extinguished and the sound of the bells sounds like the sound of crying … Everyone is crying over the child, the boy, and the cheerful, mischievous soldier who has gone and will not return. ” His friends wrote to remind him: “The sorrow and grief surrounds us every step of the way, and your graceful figure accompanies us daily with the joyous laughter of your face. In memory of Joseph, a memorial garden was erected next to his parents’ home. Memory recollectors published a memorial booklet containing the words of commanders, friends and teachers who enlightened him.

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    Relationship: אחר
  • Name: מיקה גוזלן
    Relationship: אחר
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