Gouri, Ehud (“Dudu”)

Gouri, Ehud (“Dudu”)

Son of Yitzhak and Zvia. He was born on March 23, 1953 in Rehovot. He attended the Smilansky Elementary School and the United High School – both in Rehovot. He completed his high school studies with high grades and on the basis of his grades he was easily accepted to a university in Tel Aviv. He excelled in the real professions, loved mathematics and physics and prepared to study astronomy. Ehud was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1969 and volunteered to serve in the Israel Air Force, serving as a lieutenant, serving as a member of the Israeli Air Force in 1972. Ehud was about to complete his military service in 1972, The commander of his unit wrote about him after he fell: “For about a year he served in our unit and was under my command – first as a company commander and then about a third At the unit headquarters. He always made an effort to raise the morale of his soldiers and fulfilled his duties while serving in the Suez Canal with great devotion and responsibility. – Graduated with honors. He agreed to go to the course even though I made a commitment to extend his service. In his role as a third, his many talents were expressed. – He felt a sense of responsibility and caring as well as his deep attachment to the unit and its missions. “The officer concludes:” A wise, beloved and sensitive officer has gone away from us – and we are missing him. “One of the female soldiers who worked with him (and he was the commander) She wrote: “It was not long that we worked together, but the time we spent together was enough to teach us a lot about him. It was a collection of moments that left their mark on us. There was persistence, a serious attitude to every act, a desire to produce the maximum – and all this is accompanied by constant self-criticism. Gouri knew how to combine his being a commander with being a friend. He did not long to hold a grudge or calculate accounts. He had always done everything he could to restore the situation – a good word, a smile or just a hug of affection. From time to time we were caught quarreling, but with him it was only a quarrel for an hour and then afterwards as if it had not happened. Gouri had no limits to his devotion, his willingness to give everything, and his honesty and goodness. Pay with himself. “

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