Goren, Amiram (“Ami”)

Goren, Amiram (“Ami”)

Son of Michael and Frida, members of the Geva group. He was born on July 21, 1946 in the group. He completed his studies at the elementary school in Geva and at the high school in Ein Harod. He excelled in his studies and had a quick and easy grasp. Afterward, he studied in a youth training course. He is a shortened course at Hanoar Haoved and also taught classes at the elementary school in Geva. He worked in painting and sculpture; His paintings and drawings and even, his wooden sculptures attest to a purely artistic sense and an amazing sense of wisdom. With great enthusiasm, he devoted himself to sports (soccer) and even succeeded in winning the Kinneret. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1964. In 1966, he took part in an officer’s course in the Armored Corps with the rank of lieutenant colonel, but was promoted to lieutenant After he fell in battle, in which he displayed courage, he was the battle for Rafah, one of the first battles in the Six-Day War, which he took part in. It was on the first day of the battles. And after a while he was put to eternal rest in the cemetery of his group, and in 5719 he was commended for his courage and devotion in the last battle, The tank unit having own armor. Then he broke through with his platoon and charged at the enemy, causing the enemy to collapse in his sector. But in the last stage of the fighting, his tank was hit – and so he died. In “Thirty” for his fall, the Geva group published a flyer in memory of Yehuda Ram. The group also published a booklet bearing his name. It was also immortalized in a booklet of the Gilboa Regional Council. In the collection “Bimkomim” published by Union of the Kibbutzim and Kibbutzim, in memory of the fallen members of the European Union, several pages were devoted to his history, his history and his legacy. Also in volume 4 of “Goily Ash”, the school bag of the sons of the fallen soldiers in Israel, was brought from his estate. In the book “Exposed in the Turret” to Tevet, his name was mentioned. His paintings were exhibited in various exhibitions.

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