Gonen, Oron

Gonen, Oron

Ben Iris and Michael. He was born on the 27th of Adar 5736 (25.2.1976) in Ramat Hasharon. Oron was a unique child, who from childhood was interested in the wondrous and the different. After graduating from the Hadar High School in Ramat Hasharon, Oron studied abroad for four years, and after three months of adapting to the new language, he began to speak English as a native American, and since then he has not let go He was able to confuse his American teachers and make them believe that he came from one of the United States and only one of them had an argument: Oron thought in English, who constantly enriched his vocabulary and knowledge of the language and preferred Hebrew to both reading and speaking. When the family returned to Israel, Oron returned to study at the “Hadar” school and continued to the Kalem junior high school In Ramat Hasharon, where he studied at the “Sharon” Kindergarten in Rehovot, in electronics. Oron aspired to complete and perfect control of all the issues that were at the top of his agenda. The school certificates he received clearly reflected this characteristic: he invested and succeeded in the subjects he preferred, and neglected the rest. His potential was identified by his teachers, and at every parent meeting the chorus repeated itself: “Oron can and can only invest enough.” His curiosity and sensitivity made the everyday realities negligible for him and made room for in-depth investigations into the areas to which he was drawn, among them flying objects. In his youth, he sought to reveal the secrets of sprinklers and fans; Later he studied star systems, distant galaxies and comets, up to the level of the single atom. Movies and television series on space and science fiction, such as The Dark Files, Star Wars, and Star Trek, have acquired a place of honor in his soul, studied and discussed all their components: the text, music, and subtleties of the overt and covert messages. Perhaps because of the resemblance to space and the silence in them, he loved the sea and swimming in it. Oron was a man of absolute justice. As a small child, he sought to make sense of every directive, commandment, or refusal. In school, he never took for granted the requests of teachers, whether on the subjects of study or on disciplinary matters. Debates and disagreements with teachers, friends and even with the parents of the members were not abandoned until they were settled – preferably for his own satisfaction – and all his reasons were raised and clarified. Oron was described as a happy, smiling, life-hungry man, somewhat naive. Being an avid optimist and with his developed sense of humor, he knew how to get the best out of everything. When Adam regained his heart, he would receive all the attention and generosity of Oron. He was a thorough, principled man whose body was immaculate and penetrated by a temple of order and cleanliness. Oron was connected with all his soul to music, the sound of which emanated from his room regularly. He had absolute hearing that was diagnosed even when he was a child, when he recorded a new and complex song and immediately repeated it perfectly and accurately. His rich musical talent was pronounced as he sat down next to the electric organ. When he learned to play, and after finding the teacher who suited him best, he reached a high level and performance that amazed and excited his listeners. In his playing, as well as in his other skills, he displayed originality and power; He did not content himself with performing the melody he played, but added adaptations and interpretations of his own. Another field that became an integral part of Oron’s life was the computer. He devoted the subject to nights and days, and often fell asleep in front of the screen. As usual, he studied all the components of the computer, hardware and software, demanded high standards and reached a high level of knowledge. Learn several programming languages ​​independently and write a good number of lines of code. Oron saw his future in the field of computers and planned to learn it in the future,Although he also considered professions as astrophysics. In mid-August 1994, Oron enlisted in the IDF, serving as a professional in the field of electronics and computers. He was drafted into a military brigade, but suddenly decided to volunteer for a combat unit and serve in the Armored Corps, saying: “I want to receive from the army what an army can give a person. On computers I can work after my release. ” Despite his medical warnings, Oron was a combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade’s regiment, despite the medical warnings he received from the department, because his face always lit up, even under pressure and under the worst conditions. He was transferred to the position of chief of staff. This role has enriched the areas of responsibility and a broader perspective. Due to another reduction in the medical profile, he was transferred to the air force and served as a security NCO in a small base, and Oron welcomed the relative freedom of action he received, and became the object of admiration and love for his subordinates. He was also moved to the headquarters in the Kirya, where he made good contact with those around him and expanded his horizons, and at the same time he discovered the love of his life, Atara, the spark that flashed between two identical and similar souls. Both of them led to a close and deep relationship, and within a short time their decision to marry became apparent “I see your beauty and ask / why I … / I feel your strength and wonder / why I …” And he wrote: “I had an interesting thought now, when we started to be friends ‘: Sometimes, when cloudy, or at dusk (especially if it’s cloudy at dusk), I get this feeling of loneliness. But the feeling is nice, I love her. So I thought, what will happen now, when I have a girlfriend, this feeling will disappear … “On December 6, 1996, Oron fell during his service and he was almost twenty-one years old. “Oron, of blessed memory, served as a noncommissioned officer in the Air Force, and was described by his commanders as a smart and energetic soldier, Who stood out with curiosity and showed great knowledge in various fields. Oron was admired and accepted by his commanders and friends alike. “The commander of the unit where Oron served wrote to the family:” During the last three months, since his arrival in the unit, Oron has filled a number of positions and chores with great vigor and without fault. As soon as he arrived at the unit, it turned out that he was a special soldier with extraordinary sensitivity to those around him. He had a joy of life, a rolling laugh and bright eyes that were hard to resist. “Oron’s father built a website for him in his memory: www.oron.013.net The site contains pictures and sounds that describe the character of Oron, as well as parts of his estate. The letters of friends and family are also included: “Like a stone that leaves streams of water in the water to the lake / so too is the person born to life / He leaves traces of life behind everyone who touched / assures his eternal existence on the other side of the world The eternal soul of man / like the same stone that sinks into the depths of the lake / so you also plunged into the waves of life / but my trail The life that is left forever will exist because you always exist on our other side, within us forever. “A passage from his friend’s letter:” Do not take away your sensitivity, your wisdom, your love, your jokes and sadness.The quiet moments in the living room in front of the television, the phone calls into the night, the two of us digging in blankets so as not to disturb the members of the family … the good moments, even the quarrels. Just do not take me away.

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