Goldstein, Shamai

Goldstein, Shamai

Son of Hinda and Zelig was born in 1926 in the village of Kibishd, Carpatho-Rus, Czechoslovakia, where he received a traditional national education and studied in an elementary school in the village and later in a secondary school in the nearby city of Bergas. When he was taken over by the Germans, he was sent to the Auschwitz death camp, where he was released and made his way to Eretz Israel, passed through Budapest and through the French region of Austria to Italy, was arrested twice by the border guards, released, On the immigrant ship that managed to infiltrate through the British siege, he settled in Jerusalem and worked in tailoring, volunteering for the ranks of the Haganah He was among the best soldiers in the Jerusalem Brigade, fought on the front of Latrun and Sha’ar Hagai and in the Haganah and in Jerusalem On August 17, 1948 he participated as a soldier in the 62th Battalion of the Jerusalem Brigade, During the second truce, he was injured near the study farm and died of his wounds at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, and was buried in Sheikh Bader A. On August 30, 1950, he was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem .

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