Goldsmith, Amos

Goldsmith, Amos

Amos, the only son of Yaffa and Ephraim Goldsmith, was born on 20 June 1927 in Magdiel. Amos went on patrols and took a course of Palmach commanders. When he was 16, he joined the Bnei Akiva youth group in Tirat Zvi. After 18 months of training Amos moved to Biriya in the framework of the Palmach. He was the only Biriya man who was not imprisoned in Acre. One night he rushed to Kfar Giladi to announce that a search was imminent. Seeing that the place was occupied by the British, Amos smeared his face with sludge and the Arabs thought him an Arab. He changed his name to “Zahavi” and moved to Ein Gev. Amos was the commander of a class in the Scouts’ Training Unit and in the groups of gymnasium students who came for a year of service. He guided Machanayim engineers. Of his duties he used to say, “As long as we do not have a real state, I do not go home.” Because of his simplicity and honesty, his friends and apprentices were very fond of him. He scolded them when they complained about the food ration, and immediately afterwards began recounting dramatic stories in order to help them forget their hunger. Amos was full of energy and joy of life. He had a keen sense of observation, and what he saw in nature. The Galilean landscape reminded him of ancient heroes. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was sent to Ein Zeitim for the defense and training of soldiers. On the 17th of Tevet 5708 December 30, 1947, the area was attacked by an Arab gang. Armed with a machine gun and grenades, Amos and two of his friends went out to cover the truck that was attacked, but Amos was hit by a bullet and died on the spot. He was the first victim in the Galilee. Amos was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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