Goldhower, Yair

Goldhower, Yair

Yair, son of Chaya and Yehoshua, was born on 28.1.1939 in Kibbutz Gvat, he studied at the kibbutz elementary school and after graduated from high school in Kibbutz Yifat, Yair was a diligent student, diligent and loved by his teachers And his classmates because of his good temperament, and according to his teacher, he was a disciplined student who always helped students who had difficulty preparing their lessons, was a sports fan and used to go hiking around the country. He would write poems. Yair was an optimistic, cheerful person happy with what he had, naturally honest, conscientious and friendly. Yair was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1956 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing his basic training, he completed a paratroop training course and was assigned to serve in one of the armored corps units in the south, where he was a soldier and an excellent commander who was responsible for his duties. He has never complained of difficulties in training and of military life, and during the period of compulsory military service he participated in Operation Kadesh and at the end of the battles he was awarded the “Sinai award”. He always tried not to worry his parents. Used to write to them and spend all his holidays with his family and even volunteered to do various jobs in the agriculture. At the end of his regular service, he went on a year of service in the “Sons Division” of the Union’s farms. Then he returned to the farm and fulfilled his childhood dream, and began to work in the garage. In 1962 he married his girlfriend Henna and over the years they had four children. Yair was a devoted husband and an exemplary father. He spent a lot of time playing games, trips, and had conversations with his children and was proud of them and their achievements. In the Six Day War, he and his reservists fought in the Golan Heights. During the War of Attrition, he volunteered to return to the IDF as a “tiger” and served in the Sinai region, where he was promoted to Major General, and when the Yom Kippur War broke out he joined the members of his unit and fought in the Golan Heights. 1973), was injured in the shelling and was killed, brought to rest in the Kibbutz Yifat cemetery and left behind a wife, four children and parents in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family. The characteristic of his fighting as a commander is that he always leads his men. His personality radiated confidence around him, spiritual and physical force, humanity and humor, made him an admired commander – not because of his rank, but because of these qualities. We lost a friend, a commander and a fighter. We are with you in deep mourning, but we are proud that we were among our friends. “

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