Goite, Rami

Goite, Rami

Ben Rachel and Shimon. Born on 23.3.1969 in Moshav Shalva, in the Lachish region, he was educated at the “Shapira Center” where he began his childhood in the center of Shapira. Rami joined the IDF at the beginning of November 1987 and embarked on a long, fascinating, and highly successful path. in the air Force. After basic training at Bahad 4 he went on to the “Armored Corps” course at the Air Force Technical School in Haifa and in May 1988 was stationed in the Flight Test Squadron as an ordnance technician for the Curens aircraft. From then until his last day he served in the squadron in a variety of challenging and unusual positions in the field of aircraft armament. In the winter of 1990, Rami began his career service. In February 1993 he went to study in the technical school and was certified as an instrument and control technician. In May 1994, he returned to the squadron and in April 1995 he successfully completed a retraining course – the armament technician for the “Netz” / “Barak” aircraft. In May 1995, he completed a training course for the armament technician of the “Baz” aircraft, and in March 1999 he successfully completed an ordnance technician training course for the “Thunder” aircraft, and was trained in smart missile systems and safety systems for the various aircraft in the squadron. The senior air force personnel are certified by the Air Force. He absorbed, studied, and demonstrated great professionalism in the most sophisticated and sophisticated weapon systems in the country – guided weapons, bombs and missiles developed in the defense industries. His extensive and professional experience on the variety of aircraft contributed greatly to the conduct of important experiments for the flight and thus was a partner in much of the squadron’s operations and absorption of the Air Force’s systems. In May 1999, Rami received the position of maintenance officer in the squadron in addition to his role as an armament technician. He was responsible for improving the appearance of the squadron, taking care of the soldiers’ barracks, and checking regularly what can be done to improve the work environment. And contributed his time beyond work hours and volunteered for every task and request He performed all the projects with dedication and diligence, and in each and every trip he was the dominant in the social field, always smiling and happy and creating a pleasant and pleasant atmosphere around him. – Dolev, the eldest, was born in August 1995, Daniel, was born in Ap Rill 1998 The youngest son Amit was born in May 2002. Rami’s life was interrupted just before he realized his dream of entering his new home in Moshav Givati, which he had been working on for a long time on February 12, 2004. On the afternoon of the 12th of Shvat, In the southern industrial zone of Ashdod on his way to pick up his wife. He stopped at a red light and prepared to turn left; When the light turned green, the turn turned on. At the same time, a vehicle emerged from the right, driving at a red light and hitting his car. Rami was killed at the age of thirty-five. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Givati ​​cemetery. He left a wife, two sons and a daughter, parents, three brothers and two sisters. On the third anniversary of his downfall, a large memorial ceremony was held in which his loved ones spoke and cherished his memory. “I love you so much, you are the most beautiful father in the world, it’s a pity you’re not here with us, I miss you, you’re my happiness, you’ll remain the best father in the world,” his daughter Daniel wrote. It ‘s been difficult for three years, Dad, I just realized that there’ s nothing to wait for and that ‘s itTea will not come back. You know Mama gives us a lot and she always tries to fill your place. “I love you, your daughter Daniel,” said Ravit, Rami’s widow: “It’s hard for me to describe my longing for you. You are so lacking that there is no day to go without thinking about you and all the experiences we have gone through together. The smile on your face is endless, your generosity is endless, your stay near you has a sense of fun, the good eyes and the charming heart, the need for hug and love and the need to persevere and say a good word, the loving gaze, the calculated words and the soul talks about the mysterious life as well as the good advice The real ones – I’ll never forget, never. You devoted your spare time to us and to the construction of our new home, so that nothing would be done in the house until it had received special attention with early thought and planning. Unfortunately, you did not get to enjoy the fruits of your work and you were actually killed in the end of the mission. Our children, Rami, are nostalgic, thirsty for your embrace, for your love. The heat you had left on them as a seal in their hearts. True, the passing time teaches us to live alongside your memory, but that does not mean that it is easier for us, no, we only miss more. Rami’s younger sister, Yamit, said goodbye to him: “Month of the month of flowering month / On the one hand flowering and on the other a surprise. / How does it happen, when everything blooms and beautiful you are taken / from us forever without any explanations. // It has been three years, it was like yesterday – Thursday is the day of bereavement. / Remy Matt told me / And I will not forget this gospel all my life. I was a big brother / great in everything / supporting and leading and knew everything / knew how to touch and understand everyone / the big and the small all the time. / Longings are many, sometimes a sweet memory / and sometimes they are just a memory. “Every minute that only you think / Rami, even though you are no longer with us, I feel you / always in the back of my neck, whispering and guiding me.” The words of the parents: “… Rami is not only a memory, Remy flows through our veins day and night. The Creator gave us a child with many attributes. You were looking for beauty, looking for strength, looking for professionalism, looking for talent, looking for wisdom, looking for kindness, looking for kindness – everything you found in Rami. As time passes, our pain is sharper and deeper as a warning – let us not forget. We have lost our taste for life and we feel like cripples in body and soul and we do not want to be consoled. … We are here at home, in the narrow and broad family, remembering and not forgetting Rami’s work and proud at every moment of his young life. In his young life, Rami managed to instill civilian and military content, studies and training, dedication and professionalism, unmarried women and marriage, and world-wide giving. … The Air Force, which is the spearhead of every IDF campaign, mocks our hearts with a little pride and longing … The noise of the airplanes, which for many people is a nuisance, is very friendly to us and connects well with the general memory, nostalgia and the only pride belongs to our beloved young son who donated Only people like Rami, who are connected to the earth and to the person above it, are able to serve without distinction between day and night, between Shabbat and the week, between light and hard, and peace for war. Their work is carried out tirelessly and is based on a deep and fundamental belief in justice Way, love the people and defending the homeland. … love and miss always, Mom and Dad. ” Rabbi Aryeh Shalom, Director of the Technological College at Merkaz Shapira, wrote to Rami: “The expulsion of young men is as difficult as the destruction of the Temple.” Suddenly, our dear friend Rami. The bad news of his departure descended like a severe blow on our heads. We all remained stunned and grieved, his teachers and teachers, classmates and boarding school all admired and respected him for his special personality, his virtues and his many talents. Rami was always the head of the first, the best in the class, always excelled in his studies and yet a devoted and loving son to his parents and his family. In our many conversations, he often emphasized his strong desire to contribute and give, to contribute as much as he could to the state and to give the full assistance to the entire society. Upon completion of his studies, with great success, he enlisted in the Israel Air Force, where he served as a professional in the IAF laboratories. This move explained that the time had come to contribute something to the state, from what his parents, teachers and society had invested. He knew his kindness to the Land and the people while performing his military service. He quickly demonstrated leadership ability and high professional ability, progressed on the ladder of roles, and became a mentor for the younger members of the army, both his lower schoolmates and his brothers who followed him. He often jumped to visit us during his vacations. His appearance at the boarding school was for us and his friends to be proud, as someone who grew up with us and continued on his successful path, but did not for a moment forget his place of education, his teachers and his instructors. His face always glowed with joy and joy when he spoke to our student about their future in the army and then about continuing their studies toward higher degrees. He was always full of ambition to rise and succeed … so he always did and proved to everyone that this formula is useful and effective for life. About two months before the fatal accident, he had called me, as he had many times before, told of his new house being built, his great expectation of entering the new house. And his dear family, his beloved wife, his charming children for whom he had built the new palace, and asked me to jump in and visit his new home. At the same time, he was thinking about the inauguration of his new home and the setting of the mezuzahs in “Bar Am” together with his parents, brothers and all his family. This joy gathered all the family members, his dear parents who loved him so much, and worked hard to see Rami in all his glory and pride. His brothers saw him as their first and beloved brother, wife and children who admired him for what he was for and for what he symbolized But you know that his many achievements are attributed first and foremost to your right, thanks to the education you have been educated, the love of the people and the land he has absorbed in the home, the love of the man with whom he has come to us because of all these, you must stand tall and look proudly. You have won a son, a brother, a father to his children, to whom every family in Israel was proud. Rabbi Baruch, “wrote Sasson Daniel, Rami’s friend:” Dear Rami, a day chasing a day, an hour changing at an hour, and so the longer you go away the more you yearning for you, the more you will remember that Thursday. The same black hat and the blue coat with a lot of smile on your face, a smile that was always and no matter what … We talked, laughed, even asked you about the computer, and answered optimistically that on Sunday you were going to put everything into folders The next time I saw you was at 11: About noon, I passed by the platoons and saw you in Yair’s office, standing next to him, and again with the black stocking cap on his head, and a blue coat and uniform filled with white dust, moth dust Professionalism, caring, commitment and modesty. You gave me a big smile. If I had known that these were our last moments together, I would have hugged you the strongest in the world and would not let you go. I was willing to give a lot just to get one more smile from you, just one more time from afar and watchJust one more time to say “John Geller,” just one more time to say “right cursor”, and only once again, just once again call me “jack and plug”. Remy can write books about you. For your kindness, for your professionalism, for your wisdom of life, for your modesty, for your always giving and helping, and always for no consideration and commitment. And for many more degrees in you, everyone consulted with you about everything, because they knew that Rami understood everything. You were like the grinding stone of our minds, and wherever you go you will always be in my heart and in our hearts. Rest in peace.

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