Glanz, Zvi-Simcha (“Zvika”)

Glanz, Zvi-Simcha (“Zvika”)

Son of Avraham and Zlata. He was born on June 9, 1948, in the city of Ulm, Germany, where he was seven months old when his family immigrated to Israel, where he was fond of order and cleanliness, not only in his clothes but also in his books and notebooks, In Ra’anana, after completing his studies in Ra’anana, he was awarded a scholarship and studied at the Moreshet High School in Kfar Saba, where he was humble and humble, and his teachers and friends loved him. But under the influence of the school principal he continued to study and successfully passed his matriculation exams Julian Armor. Thanks to his love for order and discipline, he adapted easily to military life. He acquired new friends and entered the routine of life there. In every job he was assigned he would invest all his energy and energy and because he loved perfection he would do his work with all his Lev-and patiently. He loved his parents great and loyal love, respected them and obeyed them. He did not tell them anything about his life in the army, because he did not want to worry them. During his brief vacations the house was quiet and his eyes were mournfully mourned by his fallen comrades. But he avoided sharing his family with him. Every week he wrote home and in every letter tried to calm his parents, sisters and brothers. He finished his last letter with the words: “Do not worry, Mother, because you do not help me with that.” He was content with little and was not proud of his many accomplishments – and his letters of gratitude and appreciation did not show to his parents. He did not tell the house about his promotions. On the 10th of Tammuz 5729 (10.7.1969), he fell in the area of ​​the Suez Canal. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. His educator at the elementary school wrote a word of appreciation for him and noted that he “was known among his friends as a good and devoted friend of a quiet nature who fulfilled his duties willingly and without complaint. If he encountered a problem that did not come to an end and understood it differently than the reasonable teacher, he did not refrain from arguing with him in a matter-of-fact manner. His classmates, and even after graduating from elementary school, with all my sons Go Back they went to him, continued the friendship between him and his friends. ” After he fell down, one of his friends wrote: “If there was never a quarrel between us, it was only for your credit, and there were many wonderful contradictions in your wonderful nature. Your love for life has been rare in you, Zvi … Few people can enjoy a good joke as you knew, love people and society, and you were always ready to help the needy, and I, too, the new immigrant at the time, who needed a detailed explanation of almost every second Hebrew word, Know this – “- remember Zevi Yaloni forever and serve me as an inexhaustible source of strength and faith.”

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