Getsal, Jacob

Getsal, Jacob

Son of Chaya and Ze’ev, was born in 1913 in Brisk, Poland. At the beginning of the First World War, his family left Brisk and moved to Siberia, where she found shelter during the war. Upon her return to Brisk in 1925, Yaakov began to study at the Tachkemoni School. After graduating from elementary school, he moved to ORT vocational high school and specialized in the framework profession. He was a courageous boy with strong muscles and body, always ready to defend the weak, and rushed first to any place of danger, and was indeed seriously injured in the fights between Jewish boys and Poles. In 1934 he immigrated to Israel and began working as a guard in the Tulkarm-Qalqiliya area, and later served as a guard on the land of Sabra, which was given to the farmers of Zichron Ya’akov, Binyamina and Gan Shmuel. At that time, Yaakov joined the Hagana and filled various positions in it, and after a retaliation by the Haganah, the British arrested him and led him to Acre, where he was forbidden After his release from prison he was sent by the Haganah to Hanita and served as the sergeant of the local guards. Was found in the British army workshop in Tira, near Haifa, and soon became an expert in the field and knew all the weapons used in the country at the time. That two days earlier on February 25, 1948, he had gone to meet an Arab friend who had offered him arms for sale, while they were in the field and in a friendly conversation the Arab shot him, robbed his money and disappeared. The guards at Sheikh-Abrik.

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