Gershon, Moshe (Moise)

Gershon, Moshe (Moise)

Moshe (Moise), son of Garcia and Chaim Gershon, was born on the 22nd of Tammuz 22.6.1928 in Flaven, Bulgaria. In 1946 he left his parents and made aliyah. He joined the core of the “BaMivchan” at Kibbutz Dan and specialized in baking and other jobs. In letters to his parents he joked about their dream, wanting to see him as a doctor or an engineer, and here he was a baker, and might even become a porter. As an enlisted soldier in Yechiam, he participated in guarding and defending the kibbutz. On 9 Shvat, 9 January 1948,Moshe fell in his service as a liaison between the positions during the first attack on the site. Moshe was laid to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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