Genzel, Yehoshua-Eliahu (Shaike)

Genzel, Yehoshua-Eliahu (Shaike)

Son of-Batya and Moshe. He was born in 1912 in the town of Barastaczko, Poland, who had a reputation for outstanding Hebrew education, and his family, who was wealthy, moved to Brody in Eastern Galicia in 1929. Shortly afterwards, And went on a training course in one of the kibbutzim of Hashomer Hatzair in Galicia and in 1934 he immigrated to Eretz Israel, completed his studies at the police academy, served for a year in the Haifa power station and served as a patrolman. – “He fascinated us by force of his great faith.” On the last night of his life, on the first night of Chanukah, 1939, he came to visit his wife’s parents in Tel Aviv, full of joy, “I envied him for his faith and his courage: handsome, sturdy as a tall oak,” wrote his friend, Dov. Shaike was shot and killed when a bus on the Haifa-Haifa road was attacked by gunfire on the 25th of December, 1938. He was brought to eternal rest in Haifa. He left a wife and a little girl. His article in his memory was published in Davar.

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