Genut, Aryeh

Genut, Aryeh

Son of Bella and Shlomo, was born in 1923 in the city of Gora-Homura, Bukovina, Romania. He studied in an elementary school and during the Second World War was cut off from his family and sent to a slave labor camp in Transnistria. He overcame the degenerate oppression and joined a Zionist youth movement in order to prepare for a life of human dignity in the homeland of Israel. After the liberation he joined the Zionist youth movement, and when he immigrated to Israel on the ship “Max Nordoi” in early 1946, he found his place in the Nitzanim group. He devoted himself to work in the vegetable garden, which was diligent in his training in this field and at the same time worked to supplement his ability and knowledge. In the winter of 1948, at the outbreak of the War of Independence, he divided his time, among other members, between work to defend it and fighting with the Arabs who plotted to sever the point and destroy it. Aryeh also stood up against the regular army of the Egyptian invader, The Egyptians realized that this point could serve as the basis for the activity of our forces in the rear and therefore concentrated considerable force in order to conquer it.The Egyptian attack was launched on June 7, 1948. Since the night the army was heavily shelled and the assault began in the morning, but it was stopped by the defenders. operated planes that bombed the field and caused heavy damage. Egyptian infantry and armored forces advanced and succeeded in regaining control of the field, and in this battle he fell in defense of a dangerous position in the northeastern section on the 29th of Iyar 5708 (7.6.1948), and was brought to rest at the cemetery in Nitzanim.

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