Gelbard, Zvi (Enrico)

Gelbard, Zvi (Enrico)

Son of Clara and Abraham, was born on the 29th of Kislev 5717, the fifth candle of Hanukkah (3 December 1956) in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay. Zvi was named after his grandfather, father of his father, who fell in Jerusalem during the War of Independence. As a member of a religious family, Zvi studied in kindergartens and religious schools in his hometown. He attended elementary school “Yavneh” and from a young age was a member of the “Bnei Akiva” movement. Tzvi stood out as a studious student, with high academic achievements, and with special qualities in the relationship between man and his fellow. He became fond of all his surroundings: teachers, acquaintances, and family friends. Zvi continued his studies at the Yavneh religious high school, and even then expressed his longing for the Land of Israel. He was 14 years old when he began working for his aliyah. Israel’s ambassador to Uruguay, Dr. Meir Shaham, told the family that in his many concerts in Montevideo, he noticed the constant presence of a boy who seemed to be looking for something, and when he turned to him, Zvi said that he wanted to urge his parents to send him to Israel to study Torah. The process was short, and Zwi soon immigrated to Israel and joined the high school yeshiva in Kfar Haroeh. He excelled in the study of the sacred as the study of the sand, and ended in a real trend. His achievements were so high that he was exempt from matriculation in physics. His family was still abroad, hoping that he would want to continue his academic studies. Zvi, however, made it clear to his parents that he saw a combination of military service and Torah study at a hesder yeshiva in Israel. In the meantime, his brother Saul came to study in the village of Harav, where he and his two brothers arrived in Israel, where he and his two brothers arrived in Israel. “He was 21 years old when he married Yael, who was a young man, She continued her studies at a college in Jerusalem, and he continued to study Torah and modestly did acts of kindness He served in the Israel Defense Forces, and after completing his army service, he continued to study at the kollel near Kiryat Arba. He also invested in youth abroad and succeeded in instilling in him Torah and fear of Heaven. Part of his time Zvi devoted to writing mezuzot, and was known for his meticulous work. During his studies at the kollel he began to study for rabbinical ordination, and he succeeded in these studies too. In the meantime, his eldest son Chaim-Elhanan was born, and he was careful to educate him in the spirit of Torah study and observance of the mitzvot, and his second son, Adiel-Yehuda, hardly ever Zvi was called to reserve duty a few months before the outbreak of the war, when his son was born and hospitalized after he was born in the hospital, and Zvi went to practice in a fire drill, despite his family difficulties, because he wanted to maintain his capacity as a soldier in the Armored Corps. Heavy fighting hit Zvi’s tank from a direct hit, and he fell on the 10th of June 1982 in the region of Lake Karun in Lebanon. He was brought to rest at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and his commandant wrote to his family: “Zvi was a good fighter, was very popular with his comrades in the company and stood out as a model friend.” He left behind a wife, two sons,

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