Gan (Goldstein), Yehoshua

Gan (Goldstein), Yehoshua

Son of Zehava and Yosef, was born on 29.5.1946 in Linz, Austria. Yehoshua was born in a camp of Holocaust survivors. He was three years old when he immigrated with his parents to Israel in 1949. The family lived briefly in an immigrant camp near Binyamina, and later moved to the Dan Residence in Tel Aviv. Yehoshua attended elementary school in Shikun, and later went on to the “Shevach” vocational school. He joined the Mahanot Ha’olim movement and served as a counselor in the Ramat Hahayal kibbutz. Yehoshua joined the “Ktziot” Nahal group and for four years was a member of Kibbutz Netiv Halev in the Valley of Elah. His hobbies were: fine mechanics, agriculture and bee keeping. He loved the flora and fauna and loved to travel with his friends in a movement around the country. In March 1965, Yehoshua enlisted in the IDF as part of the Nahal Brigade. He took courses in paramedics and participated in the Six Day War as a combat medic. After the war, while touring the Jordan Valley, he boarded a mine and was wounded. When he was discharged from the IDF, Yehoshua returned to live in his parents’ home in Tel Aviv, where he worked as a technician in the Shavit oven factory and was active in the Young Bureau in Ramat Hen and Givatayim. At hitchhiking. Yehoshua was one of the founders of the Bureau of the next generation of B’nai B’rith in Rishon Letzion. In 1970 he met Ziona, a daughter of Rishon LeZion, married her and established his home in Rishon Letzion. He began working at Israel Aircraft Industries, and has been working for more than 10 years. During this period Joshua was born to his three sons. After the Six-Day War, he was transferred from the infantry unit to the battalion, following the request of the battalion doctor: “The professionalism and dedication that he discovered led to the battalion doctor’s desire for him, Nearby. Was loved by his friends and commanders and everyone enjoyed working with him. “In 1974, Yehoshua rose to the rank of corporal. In the same year, the commander of his brigade recommended that he be promoted to the rank of sergeant, but for procedural reasons the increase was not approved. In 1977, Yehoshua expanded his activities for the settlements of Samaria. Together with a group of members of Israel Aircraft Industries, he set up a nucleus intended to immigrate to settle in Samaria. He was not restless until he saw the settlement of Beit Aryeh being built on a rocky hill. From the beginning of 1981 he was also the foreign secretary of the Yishuv in the Yishuv. At the beginning of August 1981, Yehoshua was called up for reserve duty. This was a few days before the settlement nucleus moved to Beit Aryeh. On August 11, 1981, a report was received about an IDF vehicle that had landed on a landmine in the Jordan Valley, close to where Yehoshua was wounded after the Six-Day War, and Yehoshua was rescued. The soldiers who were with him how to help the wounded, he was transferred to the hospital and died on his death on 18 August 1981. He was 35 years old when he died, and his unit commander wrote to his family: , As a devoted and friendly medic to his friends and commanders. He always fulfilled his duties with loyalty and with commendable dedication. As an open and sensitive man, he often shared his dreams of building the new settlement of Beit Aryeh, a dream of quality of life and a way of life that did not materialize. “After he died he was promoted to the rank of sergeant and was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. Raya, three sons, two parents and two brothers, and after his death the family fulfilled their wishes and settled in Beit Aryeh.

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