Frank, Peretz

Frank, Peretz

Son of Tova and Abraham. He was born in 1909 in the town of Zharki, Poland, where he was able to read and write at a young age. He was also one of the founders of the “Hashomer Hatzair” group in the town, and was considered a gifted teacher because of his alertness, natural cheerfulness and his story-telling talent, as well as the technical secretary of the Jewish community in the town. In 1928 he set out to prepare himself for Aliya in the training of Semiatitz, and here his qualities were most prominent. He was active in the field of culture, and in 1932 he immigrated to Eretz Israel to the “Ein HaKoreh” group that spent time in Rishon Letzion, where he was active in various areas. A member of the Haganah, together with his colleagues founded the “Shoma and Migdal” settlement in Sha’ar HaGolan, in which Peretz held key positions to the satisfaction of his colleagues. On 18 Tamuz, July 24, 1940, Peretz was killed in an Italian bombardment of the Haifa refinery. He was laid to rest in his kibbutz Sha’ar Hagolan. He left behind a wife and daughter, parents and four sisters. The memory of Peretz and of his friend Yoel Holishi, who perished with him, are commemorated in a booklet published by the kibbutz in memory of them.

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