Fite, Daniel-David

Fite, Daniel-David

Daniel-David (Dodis), Ben Rozalia and Tuvia (Tobish), was born on November 16, 1951, in Bobzik, Poland, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1957.Daniel was drafted into the IDF in early 1970 and volunteered for the Shaked Reconnaissance Unit, and his parents tried to prevent him from doing so, but he refused to listen to them. He spent many hours in order to be at home for a short time, and after his discharge from the regular service he enlisted with all his might and energy to develop his father’s farm and even began to build a house for him There he was supposed to inaugurate the house a few weeks after the war broke out, and in the Yom Kippur War he fought with a unit Sinai and fought against Egyptian forces penetrated the field. Among held on the fourteenth day of Tishri Tsl”d (10/10/1973) north tease his armored personnel carrier hit two rocket-shoulder and he was killed instantly. At first, he was considered missing, His body was later identified and he was brought to eternal rest in the Ashkelon cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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